A python packages for geophysical data processing modeling, inversion and interpretation. Please check here: for official website and package.
Teknik Geofisika, Universitas Pertamina Jl. Teuku Nyak Arief, Simprug, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia, 12220. email: metkom.up@gmail.com
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip install PyOSGPUP
pip3 install PyOSGPUP
User manual for this package avalaible in Bahasa (download). Short example:
1. Create wavelet
import numpy as np
import PyOSGPUP.wavelet as wav
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
t = np.arange(-0.4 / 2, (0.4 / 2) + 0.004, 0.004)
# frequency
fgR = np.array([10]) # 1 freq
fgO = np.array([5, 10, 15, 20]) # 4 fred
fgK = np.array([5, 10]) # 2 fred
gR = wav.getRicker(fgR, t)
gO = wav.getOrmsby(fgO, t)
gK = wav.getKlauder(fgK, t)
plt.plot(t, gR, linewidth=2, color="blue")
plt.plot(t, gO, linewidth=2, color="red")
plt.plot(t, gK, linewidth=2, color="green")
plt.xlabel('time [ms]')
plt.legend(['Ricker', 'Ormsby', 'Kaluder'])

2. Read data segy
Please put shotgather.sgy file in your directory code.
import PyOSGPUP.segypy as segypy
filename = 'shotgather.sgy'
# Set verbose level
segypy.verbose = 1
SH = segypy.getSegyHeader(filename)
# Read Segy File
[Data, SH, STH] = segypy.readSegy(filename)
# Plot Segy filwe
scale = 1e-9
# wiggle plot
segypy.wiggle(Data, SH, 1e-9)
# image plot
segypy.image(Data, SH, scale)

3. Create synthetic seismogram
from PyOSGPUP.synthe_seismo import plotLogsInteract, plotTimeDepth, plotSeismogram
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Synthetic Seismogram
d = [0., 50., 100.] # Position of top of each layer (m)
v = [500., 1000., 1500.] # Velocity of each layer (m/s)
rho = [2000., 2300., 2500.] # Density of each layer (kg/m^3)
wavtyp = 'RICKER' # Wavelet type
wavf = 50. # Wavelet Frequency
usingT = False # Use Transmission Coefficients?
plotLogsInteract(d[1], d[2], rho[0], rho[1], rho[2], v[0], v[1], v[2])
plotTimeDepth(d, v)
plotSeismogram(d, rho, v, 50., wavA=1., noise=0., usingT=True, wavtyp='RICKER')

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