This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version - 3.2.2
System dependencies - Docker, Postgres
Configuration - none
Database creation -
rails db:create
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
- To run the application in development build an image:
$ docker-compose build
- Setup test and development databases:
$ docker-compose run app bundle exec rails db:setup
- To start rails application server execute (port 3000):
$ docker-compose up
- Create elastic import
$ docker-compose run app rake elastic:setupdb
It's required to up elastic before running test, as it took time
$ docker-compose up elasticsearch
After it's up
$ docker-compose run app bundle exec rspec
$ docker-compose run app rake dataset:import
Change versions of gems, rubyAdd todo list to READMEAdd rspecAdd rubocop, rubocop-rails, rubocop-rspec rubocop-performanceUpdate bundlerAdd docker, docker-compose add readme to how to runAdd controller (rswag/request test) for success indexAdd controller, route, action index, viewAdd comment about authorizationAdd simplecovCreate Prompt modelAdd database set importAdd database_cleaner-active_recordAdd elasticsearchAdd search feature into modelSearch for 4 k => 4kAdd showing all PromptsAdd UI for searchAdd deployment configsImprove routes for main pageAdd 3 d => 3d analyzerTerms like "8k," "4k UHD," "highly detailed have same meaning
- Add validation for empty text in prompt
- Add 20 17 => 2017 analyzer
- Add Igor's => Igor
- Add logic for emojis
- Create searchable index for artists
- Tagging female angel, handsome samurai"
- Add score to the view
- Improve readme.
- Add error handling message
- Clean Rails (requires, unused files)
- Add breakeman, bundle-audit
- ./lib/tasks/import_dataset.rake
- Add logic for unsuccess request
- Possible improvement collect all data and import it once in batches.
- ./spec/support/stubs/dataset_stub.rb
- Move url to credentials
- ./spec/rake/import_dataset_spec.rb
- make stub dynamic by offset and length
- Add proper healthcheck for elastic
- Have different elastic db for different envs
- Add Pagination
- Fix Prompt.import