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This repository hosts patched mainline kernels for RK3288 built using RockMyy.
Some knowledge about your system bootloader configuration is required. Generally, the bootloader is configured through /boot/extlinux.conf but that can change. Just read the documentation of your distribution if you don't know how to install a new kernel manually.
BACKUP YOUR /boot FOLDER BEFORE. And prepare an UART cable, just in case things go terribly wrong.
To use it on your RK3288 board (ASUS Tinkerboard, MiQi, Firefly, ...) :
- clone this project
- copy
into your board/lib/
directory - copy
into your board/usr/
directory - copy
into your board/boot/
And then configure your bootloader so that it :
- boots the /boot/zImage
- uses the DTB file appropriate for your board
Appropriate DTB files being :
- rk3288-miqi.dtb for MQMaker MiQi boards
- rk3288-tinkerboard.dtb for ASUS Tinkerboard boards
- rk3288-firefly.dtb for Firefly boards
- rk3288-firefly-reload.dtb for Firefly Reload boards
This roughly equates to :
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/Miouyouyou/RockMyy-Build &&
cd RockMyy-Build &&
chown root:root -R * &&
cp boot/* /boot/ &&
cp -r lib/* /lib/ &&
cp -r usr/* /usr/
If your bootloader is configured to boot /boot/zImage with the appropriate /boot/rk3288-???.dtb file, just reboot and enjoy your new kernel.
Armbian currently provide premade Debian packages of kernels for Rockchip systems including most of the patches included here.