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  • Simple Media Server for the Wii U.
  • Partially Compatible with the New 3DS and New 2DS.
  • Requires Python 3.11 or higher.
  • Work in progress.


Flexible and simple plugin system. Currently support:

  • Streamlink calls to receive Twitch streams on your Wii U (Twitch is currently broken on the Wii U/N3DS Browsers), using VLC as an intermediary.
  • Screenshot upload (for ease of use).
  • 4chan Thread search (The search doesn't work anymore on the Wii U Browser).
  • E-Pub reader (Support e-pub 2 and 3).
  • Mangadex Browser.
  • ExHentai Browser.
  • VLC Streaming (to watch videos from your PC using VLC to transcode to the proper format) (Wii U Only).
  • Video Streaming for the 3DS and Wii U (in low quality) (Video must be encoded to the right format, see below).
  • Notepad, to take notes.
  • Xenoblade X Companion (Allow you to search XCX-related items, etc...).
    pip install -r requirements.txt to install all the modules.


  • To disable a plugin, just remove the corresponding file from the plugins folder.
  • Some plugins might require additional setup, either at startup (in case of the twitter one) or after creating the config.json file.
  • I don't plan on actively supporting this project, I'm just putting it here for backup purpose.
  • No Javascript used, the python script generates pure HTML. I hate Javascript.


Starts once and press Ctrl-C to stop it once its started.
A new file named config.json must be created (or the one available in this github will be initialized properly).
You can then open it with a notepad, or similar, to change the settings of each plugin.
One in particular you must touch is "home_network", which is used to filter the incoming request.
To keep it simple, if your local ip is something like for example, just put "home_network": "192.168.1".
Be sure to escape any special character properly. For example, "path": "C:\User\Example" becomes "path": "C:\\User\\Example" or "password": "a45*"$C" becomes "password": "a45*\"$C".
Once you are done modifying config.json, save and close it, and starts
Input the ip of your computer, followed by the port used, in an internet browser to test it's working (example:
If it works, just do the same on your Wii U or 3DS to access the content.
Some plugins might need more configuration to be usable.

Plugin Development

Making your own plugin is quite simple, as long as you know Python.
Create a new file in the plugins folder.
Here's a template:

class Example():
    def __init__(self, server):
        self.server = server

    def stop(self):

    def process_get(self, handler, path):
        if path.startswith('/example?'):
            options = self.server.getOptions(path, 'example')
            handler.answer(200, {'Content-type': 'text/html'}, 'Hello, {}!'.format(options['name']).encode('utf-8'))
            return True
        return False

    def process_post(self, handler, path):
        return False

    def get_interface(self):
        return '<form action="/example"><legend><b>Plugin Example</b></legend><label for="name">Input your name </label><input type="text" id="name" name="name" value=""><br><input type="submit" value="Send"></form>'

    def get_manual(self):
        return '<b>Plugin Example</b><br>This is an example.'


The Streamlink plugin shares some configuration with the VLC one, so be sure to set the VLC values properly.
VLC is used to circumvent the ad problems.
To sum it up, ads break the stream continuity and the Wii U or N3DS are unable to process it correctly. And the "disable ads" setting doesn't really help.
Add to this the fact the Wii U is now experiencing graphical artifacts on Twitch streams for a while now, I now use VLC in between Streamlink and the console to transcode the stream in a format properly readable by the console.
Even ads should be properly now.

Do note the streamlink port value set in config.json is merely for internal use. The one your console will use is this value, plus one (Example, if you set 4356, VLC will grab the stream on this port and output it on 4357).

3DS Video Encoding

I use FFmpeg to encode my videos to the right format for the New 3DS.
A simple example with a command line would be: bin\ffmpeg.exe -i input.whatever -filter:v "scale=-1:360:flags=lanczos, fps=24" -c:v libx264 -qscale:v 4 -c:a aac -b:a 128k output.mp4
input.whatever being the input file (for example: my_cat.mp4) and output.mp4 whatever you want the resulting file to be named.
The New 3DS/2DS internet browser only supports MP4 format (Video: H.264 - MPEG-4 AVC, Audio: AAC - ISO / IEC 14496-3 MPEG-4AAC, MP3), resolution lower than 480p and up to one hour.

The plugin also have a simple playlist system to alleviate the one hour limit.
You can put a .txt file in the folder, containing the name of one file per line, and loading it will put all the videos on the same page.

Old Plugins

The old plugins folder contains old plugins whose development stopped.
I included them for legacy and archiving purpose.
Note that twitter is joining this folder, following the announcement of the Twitter API becoming paid only.