MyTechStore is a custom database I designed as the final project for CS50's Introduction to SQL course. This project aims to provide users with a structured database to efficiently manage a small electronics shop specializing in selling and repairing various electronic devices.
Project structure:
- schema.sql
- queries.sql
- (This File)
- Database Management System: MySQL 8.0.41 or higher
- Key SQL Features Used:
- Normalization (to reduce data redendancy)
- Constraints (to maintain data integrity, accuracy, and reliability).
- Views (to simplify queries and improve security)
- Indexes (to optimize query performance)
- Triggers (to automate tasks inside the database)
- Stored Procedures (to simplify complex operations)
This database follows the relational model, where the tables are liked using primary keys (PK) and foreign keys (FK). It consists of 16 tables: 12 main tables and 4 junction tables. this section we will further explain the tables and their relationships.
- types: This table stores information about the type of the products or parts sold in the store. It consists of two columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record in the table.
- name: A String representing the type of product or a part such as computer, gpu, cpu etc.
- When designing the database, we chose to use unsigned integer values for columns that will never contain negative values, such id, stock_quantity, price etc. This optimization reduces memory usage when inserting new records, allowing us to minimize the overall database size.
brands: This table stores information about the brands of the products or parts sold in the store. it consists of two columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record in the table.
- name: A string representing the brand of the product or part, such as Apple, AMD, NVIDIA, Intel etc.
products: This table stores the information about the products sold in the store. It consists of 10 columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record.
- type_id: A foreign key referecing the types table, indicating the product type.
- brand_id: A foreign key that referencing the brands table, indicating the product's brand.
- name: A string containing the product name.
- model: A string containing the product's model name.
- price: A decimal value representing product price.
- stock_quantity: An integer indicating the current stock of the product.
- description: A long String containing additional product details.
- warranty_period: An integer representing the product's warranty period.
- deleted: A Boolean flag for soft deletion, indicating whether the product's record is marked as deleted.
When inserting a new product into the products table:
- stock_quantity must not be left empty and should be set to a value greater then 0.
- warranty_period must be specified in months.
customers: This table stores informations about customers who have purchased products from the store. It consists of 7 columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record.
- first_name: A string containing the customer's first name.
- last_name: A string containing the customer's last name.
- email: A string containing the customer's email.
- phone_number: A string containing the customer's phone number.
- address: A string containing the customer's address.
- deleted: A Boolean flag for soft deletion, indicating whether the customer's record is marked as deleted.
sales: This table stores information about all sales transactions. It consists of 6 columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record.
- customer_id: A foreign key referencing the customers table, indicating the customer who initialized the transaction.
- product_id: A foreign key referencing the products table, indicating the purchased product.
- quantity: An integer representing the quantity of product purchased.
- total_amount: A decimal value representing the total cost of the purchased products.
- sale_date: A Timestamp indicating when the transaction occurred.
When adding a new sale record into the sales table:
- quantity must not be left empty and should be set to a value greater then 0.
suppliers: This table stores information about the suppliers providing various products and parts sold in the shop. It consists of 7 columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record.
- name: A string containing the supplier company's name.
- contact_person: A string containing the full name of the company's contact person.
- phone_number: A string containing the supplier's phone number.
- email: A string containing the supplier's contact email.
- address: A string containing the supplier's company full address.
- deleted: A Boolean flag for soft deletion, indicating whether the supply's record is marked as deleted.
product_suppliers: This junction table likes the products and suppliers tables, allowing us to specify the supplier and supply price for each product. It consists of 3 columns:
- product_id: A foreign key referencing the products table, indicating the a specific product.
- supplier_id: A foreign key referencing the suppliers table, indicating the specific product's supplier.
- supply_price: A decimal value representing the price at which the supplier provides the product.
parts: This table stores information about the spare parts that are sold or used by the shop to fix damaged products. It consists of 6 columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record.
- name: A string containing the part's name.
- brand_id: A foreign key that referencing the brands table, indicating the part's brand.
- type_id: A foreign key referecing the types table, indicating the part's type.
- price: A decimal value indicating the part's price.
- stock_quantity: An integer indicating the current stock of the part.
When inserting a new part into the parts table:
- stock_quantity must not be left empty and should be set to a value greater than 0.
part_suppliers: This junction table links the parts and suppliers tables, allowing us to specify the supplier and supply price for each part. It consists of 3 columns:
- part_id: A foreign key referencing the parts table, indicating a specific part.
- supplier_id: A foreign key referencing the suppliers table, indicating the supplier of the part.
- supply_price: A decimal value representing the price at which the supplier provides the part.
part_compatibility: This junction table links the parts and products table, allowing us to specify which parts are compatible with each product. It consists of 2 columns:
- part_id: A foreign key referencing the parts table, indicating a specific part.
- product_id: A foreign key referencing the products table, indicating a speecific table.
technicians: This table stores information about store technicians responsible for handling repair requests and warranty claims. It consists of 7 columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record.
- first_name: A string containing the technician's first name.
- last_name: A string containing the technician's last name.
- email: A string containing the technician's contact email.
- status: A ENUM column with fixed values indicating the technician's availablability:
- Available: The technician is currently available.
- on_leave: The technician is on leave.
- hire_date: A timestamp indicating the technician's hire date.
- deleted: A Boolean flag for soft deletion, indicating whether the technician's record is marked as deleted.
To maintain data standardization across the database and prevent potential inconsistencies, the status column in the technicians table only accepts one of the following predefined values: Available or On_leave.
- repair_requests: This table stores information about repair_requests submitted by the customers to fix their damaged products. It consists of 11 columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each repair request.
- customer_id: A foreign key referencing the customers table, identifying the customer who submitted the request.
- product_id: A foreign key referencing the products table, specifying the product to be repaired.
- technician_id: A foreign key referencing the technicians table, indicating the technician assigned to handle the repair.
- issue_title: A string describing the primary issue with the product.
- issue_desc: A long text field containing additional details about the product's issue.
- request_date: A timestamp indicating the exact date when the repair request was submitted.
- status: A ENUM column with predefined values representing the repair request's current status:
- Pending: No technician has been assigned yet, and the request is awaiting processing.
- In_progress: A technician is activily repairing the device.
- Completed: The device has been successfully repaired.
- repair_cost: A decimal value representing the total cost of the repair.
- repair_date: A timestamp indicating the exact date when the repair was completed.
- deleted: A Boolean flag for soft deletion, indicating whether the repair_request's has been logically removed.
Due to limited scope of the project, repair requests are restricted to products sold by the shop. This decision helps simplify the database management, particularly in areas such as spare parts inventory management.
To maintain data standardization and prevent inconsistencies, the status column in the repair_requests table only accepts the following predefined values: Pending, In_progress or Completed.
- repair_parts: This junction table links the repair_requests and parts tables, it allows us to track the spare parts used in repairing a device associated with repair request. this table consist of 4 columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record.
- repair_id: A foreign key referenceing the repair_requests table, indicating the repair request that required the parts.
- part_id: A foreign key referencing the parts indicating the specifc part used during the repair.
- quantity: An integer representing the number of units of a specific part used in a repair.
When adding a new record to the repair_parts table, the quantity column value must be strictly greater than zero to ensure valid tracking of spare parts usage.
warranty_claim: This table stores information about warranty claims initiated by the customers for products purchased from the store. It consists of 8 columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record.
- product_id: A foreign key referencing the products table, identifying the potentially defective product.
- customer_id: A foreign key referencing the customers table, identifying the customer who submitted the warranty claim.
- claim_date: A timestamp indicating the date when the warranty claim was submitted.
- issue_desc: A long text field conatining details about the defective device.
- status: A ENUM column with predefined values representing the current status of the warranty claim:
- Pending: The claim is awaiting processing
- Approved: The claim has been reviewed, and the store has agreed to handle the defective device.
- Denied: The claim has been reviewed, but the store has refused to handle the defective device.
- resolution_details: A ENUM column with predefined values indicating how the store handled the warranty claim:
- Repair: The store agreed to resolve the claim by repairing the defective device.
- Replacement: The store agreed to resolve the claim by replacing the defective device.
- Rejected: The store denied the claim and refused to repair or replace the device.
- resolution_date: A timestamp indicating when the warranty claim was processed.
product_inventory_log: This table stores a historical record of changes made the products table. It consists 5 columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record.
- product_id: A foreign key referencing the products table indicating the specifc product affected by the change.
- change_quantity: A integer indicating the stock quantity change.
- change_date: A timestamp indicated when the change occured.
- reason: A ENUM column with predefined values specifying the reason for the change:
- Added: A new product was added to the products table.
- Sale: A sale transaction occured, reducing the stock of a the product.
- Restock: New units were added to the product's current stock.
part_inventory_log: This table stores historical record of changes made to the parts table. It consists 5 columns:
- id: An auto-incrementing integer serving as a unique identifier for each record.
- part_id: A foreign key referencing the parts table indicating the specifc part affected by the change.
- change_quantity: A integer indicating the stock quantity change.
- change_date: A timestamp indicated when the change occured.
- reason: A ENUM column with predefined values specifying the reason for the change:
- Added: A new part was added to the parts table.
- Repair: The part was used to repair a device, reducing the stock of a the part.
- Restock: New units were added to the part's current stock.
The product_inventory_log and part_inventory_log tables are automatically populated by the database using custom triggers. These triggers track and log changes affecting the stock levels of both products and parts, simplifying inventory management and ensuring accurate record-keeping.
In this section we will further explain the different relations between the various table inside our database. To better understand the database, the following image contains an entity-relationship diagram (Also known as ER-diagram) detailing the relationships between the differents tables inside the database:
1. Product & Inventory Relationships
- Products ---> **types **(Many-to-One)
- A products belongs to one Type (e.g., Laptop, CPU, GPU).
- Products ---> brands (Many-to-One)
- A product is associated with one Brand (e.g., Apple, AMD, Dell).
- products ---> product_suppliers ---> suppliers (Many-to-Many via product_suppliers)
- Products are supplied by multiple suppliers.
- A supplier can provide multiple products.
- products ---> product_inventory_log (One-to-Many)
- Every stock change for a product is recorded in the inventory log.
2. Sales & Customer Relationships
customers ---> sales (One-to-Many)
- A customer can place multiple purschase orders (each sale record correspond to one product purchase)
products ---> sales ( One-to-Many).
- A product can appear in multiple sales (since each sale only records a single product).
3. Repair & Warranty Management
- customers ---> repair_requests (One-to-Many)
- A customer can request multiple repairs for differents products.
- customers ---> warranty_claims (One-to-Many)
- A customer can file multiple warranty claims.
- technicians ---> repair_requests (One-to-Many)
- Each repair request is handled by one technician.
4. Parts & Compatibility Relationships
- parts ---> types (Many-to-one)
- A part belongs to one type (e.g., battery, motherboard).
- A type can group multiple parts.
- parts ---> brands (Many-to-One)
- A part is associated with one Brand (e.g., Asus, Crucial)
- parts ---> part_compatibility ---> products (Many-to-Many via part_compatibility)
- defines which parts are compatible with which products.
- parts ---> part_suppliers ---> suppliers (Many-to-Many via part_suppliers)
- parts are supplied by multiple suppliers.
- A supplier can provide multiple parts.
- parts ---> part_inventory_log (One-to-Many)
- Every stock change for a part is recorded in the inventory log.
- repair_request ---> repair_parts ---> parts (Many-to-Many via repair_parts)
- tracks which parts were used in a specific repair request.
5. Automated Tracking Relationships
- product_inventory_log is automatically filled by custom triggers when:
- A product is added, sold, or restocked.
- part_inventory_log is automatically filled by cutom triggers when:
- A part is added, used in a repair, or restocked.
This section provides a detailed overview of the views implemented in our database. Our project includes 11 views, which serves as custom virtual tables that presents important information from one or more tables. By using views, we can reduce query complexity and make the database easier to use. The primary objectives of using views in a database are:
- Data abstraction: Views Simplify complex queries by presenting a subset of the requested data in a structured and easy-to-use format.
- Simplified querying: Views allow users to execute queries on a predefined datasets without repeatedly writing complex SQL statements.
- Data consistancy: Ensures that multiple users access the same data sources simultaneously, preventing inconsistencies or misunderstandings.
- Security: Views restricts access to specific rows or columns, providing controlled access data access without exposing the entire tables.
In this section, we will provide a detailed explanation of each implemented view, including its purpose, structure, and how it helps simplify database operations.
1. available_products
The available_products view provides a list of all available products that currently in stock. This view simplifies querying by filtering out products with zero stock, allowing users to retrieve only the available items without having to type complex queries.
Structure and purpose
This view is build by joining the products, brands, and types table to have a more detailed dataset. It includes:
- id: The unique identifier of the product.
- brand: The brand name of the product (retrieved from the brands table).
- type: The category/type of the product (retrieved from the types table).
- name: The product's name.
- model: The model name of the product.
- price: The selling price of the product.
- stock_quantity: The number of units currently available in stock.
Use Case
This view is particularly useful when retrieveing a list of products that are currently in stock for:
- Display available products on sale on a sales website or an inventory dashboard.
- Ensuring that out-of-stock products are not included in purchase orders.
- Generating reports on available inventory without filtering the main products table.
2. sales_summary_per_client
The sales_summary_per_client view provides a summary of each customer's purchase activity. It helps track the total number of purchases and the total amount spent by each customer, making it easier to analyse the customer spending behavior.
Structure and purpose
This view aggregates sales data per customer and includes:
- customer_id: The unique identifier of the customer.
- customer_name: the full name of the customer (concatinated from first_name and last_name retrieved from the customers table).
- total_purchases: the total number of purchases made by the customer.
- total_amount: The total amount spent by the customer across all transactions.
Use Case This view is particularly useful for:
- identifying the top-spending customers by sorting the generated results based on the total_amount.
- Generate a customer purchase reports that can be used for business intelligence to gain additional insights and enhance the store's overall marketing strategy.
- Analyzing customer engagement and purchasing trends to improve sales strategies.
- Quickly retrieving key customer metrics without running complex queries on raw tables.
3. detailed_sales
The detailed_sales view provides a comprehensive breakdown of sales transactions including customer details, product information and purchase details. This view make it easier to analyze sales data without the need to join multiple tables manually.
Structure and Purpose
This view combines data from products, customers, types, brands, and sales to presents a detailed insights into each sale transaction. It includes:
- customer_id: The unique identifier of the customer.
- full_name: The full name of the customer (concatinated from the first_name and last_name retrieved from the customers table).
- product_type: The category/type of the purchased product.
- brand: The brand name of the product.
- quantity: the number of units purchased by the customer.
- total_amount: The total cost of the purchased items in the transaction.
- sale_date: The date when the sale was made.
Use Case
This view can be useful for:
- Tracking sales trands based on product types and brands.
- Providing sales representatives with customer purchase history for better customer relationship management.
- Reducing the need for complex queries when analyzing transaction-level sales data.
4. open_repair_requests
The open_repair_request view provides a list of repair request that are still pending or in progress. This view helps track active repair requests and simplifies the process of monitoring ongoing repairs.
Structure and Porpuse
The view retrieves data from the repair_requests, customers, and products to present key information about the open repair requests. It includes:
- repair_id: The unique identifier for the repair request.
- customer_name: The full name of the customer who submitted the repair request.
- product_name: The name of the product requiring repair.
- issue_title: A short description of the reported issue.
- request_date: The date when the repair request was submitted.
- status: the current status of the repair request (Pending or In_progress).
Use Case
This view can be useful for:
- tracking open repair request to ensure timely processing.
- Improving customer service by quickly identifying pending and in-progress repairs.
- Generate detailed report on active repair cases to allocate resources effectively.
- Reducing query complexity by filtering only relevent repair requests.
5. open_warranty_claims
The open_warranty_claims view provides a list of pending warranty claims submitted by customers. The view helps track unsolved warranty claims, ensuring timely processing and better customer support.
Structure and Purpose
Theis view retrieves data from the warranty_claims, customers, and products to display key details about active warranty claims. It includes:
- claim_id: The unique identifier of the warranty claim.
- customer_id: the unique identifier of the customer who submitted the claim.
- customer_name: the full name of customer.
- product_name: The name of the product for which the claim was submitted.
- status The current status of the claim (Only pending claims are shown).
- claim_date: the date when the warranty claim was submitted.
Use Case
This view is useful for:
- Tracking active warranty claim to ensure timely resolution.
- Providing customer support seervice with easy access to the pending claims.
- Reducing the query complexity by filtering warranty data (filtering out the processed warranty claims).
6. technician_workload
The technician_workload view provides an overview of each technician's current repair workload. It helps track the number of active repair requests assigned to each technician, ensuring balanced task distribution and efficient resource management.
Structure and Purpose
This view retrieves data from the technicians and repair_requests tables to display key workload metrics for each technician. It includes:
- technician_id: The unique identifier of the technician.
- technician_name: The full name of the technician.
- active_repairs: the toal number of active repair requests assigned to the technician.
Use Case
This view can be useful for:
- Monitoring technician workload to ensure fair task distribution.
- identifying overburned technicians and reallocating tasks accordingly.
- improving repair efficiency by balancing active repair assignments.
- Generating reports on technician performance and workload trends.
7. low_stock_products
The low_stock_products view provides a real-time overview of the products that are running low on stock. This helps the store managers identify which products that need to be restocked to avoid shortages and maintain availability.
Structure and Purpose
This view retrieves data from products, types, brands, product_suppliers, and suppliers to display details about low stock products. It includes:
- id: The unique identifier for the product.
- brand: The brand name of the product.
- type: The category/type of the product.
- name: The name of the product.
- model: The model name of the product.
- supplier: The name of the supplier providing the product.
- stock_quantity: The current available stock of the product (less than 10 units).
Use Case
This view can be useful for:
- Monitoring inventory levels and detecting products with low stock.
- Helping store manager identify products that need to be restocked.
- improving supply chain efficiency by ensuring timely reordering.
- Preventing shortages and ensuring product availability for customers.
8. available_parts
The available_parts view provides a real time list of spare parts that are currently in stock. It helps store managers and technicians quickly identify which parts are available for sale or repair services, improving inventory management and customer service.
Structure and Purpose
This view is built by joining the parts, types, and brands tables to provide more detailed dataset. It includes:
- id: The unique identifier of the part.
- brand: The brand name of the part.
- type: The category/type of the part.
- price: The selling price of the product.
- stock_quantity: The number of available units in stock.
Use Case
This view can be useful for:
- Ensuring smooth repair operations by checking part availability.
- Optimiziing inventory management by tracking available spare parts.
- Generating report on spare parts availability for better stock planning.
9. low_stock_parts
The low_stock_parts views helps store managers identify spare parts that are running low in stock. This ensures timely restocking and prevents shortages that could disrupt repair operations.
Structure and Purpose
This view retrives data from the parts, brands, types, part_suppliers, and suppliers to provide an overview on parts with low inventory levels. it includes:
- id: The unique identifier of the part.
- brand: The brand of the part.
- type: The category/type of the part.
- name: The name of the part
- supplier: The name of the supplier providing the part.
- stock_quantity: The number of available units in stock.
Use Case
This view can be useful for:
- Proactive inventory management by identifying parts that need replenishment.
- Reducing downtime in repair services by ensure spare parts are available.
- Improving customer satisfaction by preventing out-of-stock situations.
10. most_sold_brands
The most_sold_brands view provides an overview of the most popular brands based on sales performance. It helps business owners, managers, and analysts identify which brands are generating the highest revenue and sales volume.
Structure and Purpose
This view aggregate sales data from the sales, products, and brands tables to display:
- id: The unique identifier of the brand.
- brand_name: The name of the brand.
- number_of_sales: The total number of individual sales involving products from this brand.
- total_amount: The total revenue generated by products from this brand.
Use Case
- Identifying top-performing brands in terms of revenue and sales volume.
- Helping store managers prioritize which brands to stock more of based on customer demand.
- Supporting marketing strategies that focuses on promoting high-selling brands.
- Providing insights for suppliers on the most popular brands.
11. most_used_parts
The most_used_parts view provides an overview of the most frequently used spare parts in reapirs. This information is essential for inventory management, helping the store track demand for replacement parts and optimize stock levels.
Structure and Purpose
This view aggregate data from the parts, brands, and repair_parts tables to display:
- id: The unique identifier of the part.
- brand_name: The brand associated with the part.
- name: The name of the part.
- number_of_usage: The total number of times this part has been used in repairs.
Use Case
This view is useful for:
- Identifying high-demand spare parts, allowing the store to maintain optimal stock levels.
- Improving repair service efficiency by reducing delay caused by out-of-stock parts.
- Analyzing repair trends to determine which components are most prone to failure.
In this section we will provide an overview of the various indexes that was implemented in the database. The primary purpose of these indexes is to optimize query performance, allowing the database to locate and fatch data more efficiently, reducing the need for full table scans and improving the overall speed of operations, especially in large datasets. Below is a breakdown of the indexes used and their purpose:
1. products_index (type_id, brand_id)
Purpose: Improves the efficiency of queries that filter or join on type_id and brand_id, such as fetching products by category and brand.
benefit: Prevents full table scans when searching for products of specific type and brand.
2. parts_index (type_id, brand_id)
Purpose: Similar to products_index, this index optimizes queries that filter parts based on their type and brand.
Benefit: Improves part lookup speeds when filtering by type and brand.
3. repair_request_index (customer_id , status)
Purpose: Speeds up queries retrieving repair requests by customer or request status (e.g., Pending, In_Progress).
Benefit: reduces lookup time for repair requests based on customer and request status.
4. warranty_claims_index (product_id, customer_id, status)
Purpose: Enhances performance when searching for warranty claims by product, customer, or status.
Makes it faster to find warranty claims related to specific product and customer.
5. technicians_index (status)
Purpose: Optimizes queries that filter technicians based on their current status (e.g., Available,On_leave).
Benefit: Reduces search time when filtering technicians by status.
6. sales_index (customer_id, product_id)
Purpose: Improves queries that retrieve sales records based on customer purchases or specific product sales.
Benefit: Enhances performance when analyzing customer purchase history and product sales trends.
In this section we will focus on the triggers implemented in the databse. A trigger is a special type of stored procedure that automatically executes in response to certain events on designated tables. These triggers help database administrators enforce business rules, maintain data integrity, and automate essential tasks without requiring manual intervention.
Triggers can be used for:
1. Enforcing Business Rules
- Ensure that certain conditions are met before or after changes to a table.
- Example: prevent user from ordoring product quantity that is greater then current available stock.
2. Maintaining Data Integrity
- Automatically update or validate data when an insert, update, or delete operation occurs.
- Example: When delete a customer, set the deleted flag to True instead of removing the record.
3. Automating Logging
- Keep track of data change by storing historical information in an audit table.
- Example: log any product stock change in a product_inventory_log table after updating the products table.
In this project, the database contains a total of 14 triggers, each designed to automate essential operations inside the database. Below is a breakdown of the implemented triggers and there purpose:
1. before_sale_insert
Purpose This trigger ensures that a sale cannot be recorded if there is insufficient stock for the requested product. It helps maintaining data integrity by preventing negative stock levels in the database.
How It Works:
- Trigger type: BEFORE INSERT ---> Executes before a new sale record is inserted into the sales table.
- Check stock availability:
- Retrieves the current stock quantity of the product being sold.
- Compares it with the quantity in the new sale entry (NEW.quantity).
- If the requested quantity exceeds the available stock, the trigger raises an error, preventing the sale from being recorded.
- Benefit:
- Prevents overselling by ensuring that a product cannot be sold if the stock is insufficient.
- Helps maintain accurate inventory levels without requiring additional manual checks.
2. update_products_stock_after_sale
Purpose This trigger is designed to automatically update the stock of a designated product whenever a new sale record is add to the sales table.
How It Works:
- Trigger type: AFTER INSERT ---> Executes after a new sale record is inserted into the sales table.
- Stock Update Process:
- The trigger first retrieves the current stock of the product being sold and store it inside a local variable named current_stock;
- Update the current stock of the product stored inside the local variable (current_stock) by subtracting the quantity sold (NEW.quantity).
- This trigger uses the SQL ABS function to ensure a non-negative update to the products table.
- Automate inventory management by reducing stock immediately after each sale.
- Ensures consistency between recorded sales and available stock without requiring manual updates.
3. after_product_insert
Purpose This trigger log new product entries into the product_inventory_log table, keeping track of stock additions when a product is first inserted to the products table.
How It Works
- Trigger Type: AFTER INSERT ---> Executes after a new product is added to the products table.
- Logging Process:
- Captures the newly inserted product's ID (
- Records the initial stock quantity (**NEW.stock_quantity).
- Specifies the reason for the inventory change as added.
- Enhance inventory management by maintaining a detailed history of stock changes.
- Supports business insights by providing data on product additions.
4. after_product_update
Purpose This trigger log inventory updates inside the product_inventory_log whenever a product's stock quantity is modified in the products table.
How it Works:
- Trigger Type: AFTER UPDATE ---> Executes after an update occurs in the products table.
- Stock Change Logging:
- Checks if stock_quantity has changed.
- Calculates the absolute difference between old and new stock levels.
- Determines the reason of the change:
- If stock level decreases ---> Sale (product was sold).
- If stock level increases ---> Restock (new stock was added).
- Logs the change the product_inventory_log table.
- Improves inventory tracking by automatically recording stock updates.
- Ensures accuracy in inventory management by distinguishing between sales and restocks.
5. before_repair_part_insert
Purpose This trigger ensures that sapre parts used for repairs are available in efficient quantity before inserting a new record inside the repair_parts table.
How It Works:
- Trigger Type: BEFORE INSERT ---> Executes before a new repair part record is added.
- Stock Verification:
- Retrieves the current stock of the part from the parts table and stored inside the local variable named current_stock.
- Compares the requested quantity with the available stock stored inside the local variable.
- If the requested quantity execeeds the stock, an error is raised with a message Not enough stock available for repair to prevent the insert.
- Prevents stock inconsistencies by ensuring parts are not assigned to repairs if they are unavailable.
- Improve customer service by preventing shortages after repair initiation.
- Improves inventory management by enforcing stock constraints inside the database.
6. update_parts_stock_after_repair This trigger ensures that the stock of spare parts is updated automatically when they are used in a repair.
How It Works
- trigger Type: AFTER INSERT ---> Executes after a new record is added to the repair_parts table.
- Stock Update Process
- Retrieves the current stock of the part from the parts and store it inside a locale variable called stock_quantity
- Updates the stock_quantity of the part by subtracting the used quantity (New.quantity).
- Uses ABS() to ensure stock updates correctly.
- Maintains inventory accuracy by reducing stock automatically when parts are used.
- Improves repair tracking by ensuring real-time updates on available parts.
- Prevents manual stock adjustments by handling it automatically.
7. after_part_insert
Purpose This trigger log new part entries into the part_inventory_log table, keeping track of stock additions when a part is first inserted to the parts table.
How It Works
- Trigger Type: AFTER INSERT ---> Executes after a new part is added to the parts table.
- Logging Process:
- Captures the newly inserted part's ID (
- Records the initial stock quantity (NEW.stock_quantity).
- Specifies the reason for the inventory change as added.
- Enhance inventory management by maintaining a detailed history of stock changes.
- Supports business insights by providing data on parts additions.
8. after_part_update
Purpose This trigger log inventory updates inside the part_inventory_log whenever a part's stock quantity is modified in the parts table.
How it Works:
- Trigger Type: AFTER UPDATE ---> Executes after an update occurs in the parts table.
- Stock Change Logging:
- Checks if stock_quantity has changed.
- Calculates the absolute difference between old and new stock levels.
- Determines the reason of the change:
- If stock level decreases ---> Repair (part was used in a repair).
- If stock level increases ---> Restock (new stock was added).
- Logs the change the part_inventory_log table.
- Improves inventory tracking by automatically recording stock updates.
- Ensures accuracy in inventory management by distinguishing between Repairs and restocks.
9. after_repair_complete
Purpose This trigger ensure that a repair can only marked as Completed if it was previously set In_progress and records the repair comppletion date.
How It Works:
- Trigger Type: BEFORE UPDATE ---> Runs before the repair_request table is updated.
- Conditions Checked:
- The trigger first check if the new status is updated to Completed
- Compare the new status (NEW.status) to the old status (OLD.status) of the repair request:
- IF OLD.status: In_progress ---> the repair_request status is set to Completed and the repair_date is set to the current timestamp.
- IF OLD.status: Pending ---> the update is blocked with an error message ( cannot complete a pending repair request).
- IF OLD.status: Completed ---> The update is blocked with an error message ( the repair request already completed).
- Prevents illogical status transitions.
- Ensures accurate Timestamps by automatically recording the repair completion date.
- Prevents errors by avoiding marking unfinished repairs as completed.
10. repair_request_in_progress
Purpose: This trigger updates the status of a repair request to "In Progress" when a technician is assigned to it.
How It Works:
- Trigger Type: BEFORE UPDATE ---> Runs before an update occurs in the repair_request table.
- Conditions checked:
- The trigger checks The previous (OLD) value of the technician_id is NULL (Meaning no technician was assigned to the repair request).
- The trigger make sure that the new value of the technician_id is not null (meaning a technician is being assigned to the repair request).
- The previous (OLD) status of the repair request is Pending.
- Action taken:
- If all conditions are met, the repair request status is automatically updated to In_progress.
- Benefits
- Automates workflow: by automatically updating the status of the repair request once a technician is assigned to it.
- Prevents errors: avoid an potential inconsistencies where a technician is assigned by the repair request remains Pending.
- Better tracking: help managers better monitor open repair requests and technician workload.
11. before_customer_delete
Purpose: This trigger prevents deleting a customer if they have active transactions related to sales, warranty claims, and repair requests. Instead of permently deleting the record, the system uses a soft delete approach by updating the deleted field.
How it works:
- Trigger Type: BEFORE UPDATE ---> Runs before a customer record is updated.
- Conditions Checked:
- the deleted field is set to 1 ( meaning the administrator is attempting to the delete the customer).
- The customer has at least one of the following:
- A recorded sale inside the sales table.
- A pending warranty claim inside the warranty_claims table.
- An active repair request inside the repair_requests table with the status of Pending or in_progress.
- Action taken:
- If any of the conditions are met, the trigger will raise an error (SIGNAL SQLSTATE '45000'), preventing the deletion.
- If no active transactions exists, the update is allowed, marking the customer as deleted.
- Prevents any accidental deletion of clients with active transactions, which could break references in the database.
Instead of permanently deleting records, the system employs the Soft Deletion Approach, a technique where records are not physically removed from the databse but are instead flagged as deleted (e.g., using a deleted column). This method enables administrators to prevents any accidental or unauthorized deletions by providing them a simple way to recover deleted records when needed.
12. before_technician_assign_to_repair_request
Purpose: This trigger check the status of the a technician before assigning him/her to a handle a repair request. This main objective of this trigger is to ensure that only Active technicians can be assigned to repair requests.
How It Works:
- Trigger Type: BEFORE UPDATE ---> runs before a repair request is updated.
- When updating a repair request, if a new technician is assigned, the trigger retrieves the new technician's current from the technicians table.
- If the technician is marked on_leave, the trigger raises an error, preventing the technician's assignment and display the message: "Cannot assign repair request to technicians on leave".
- This trigger helps ensure work efficiency by ensuring only available technicians are assign to the repair tasks.
13. before_warranty_claim_insert
Purpose: This trigger ensures that customers can only submit a warranty claim for products that are still within their warranty period.
How It Works:
- Trigger Type: BEFORE INSERT ---> The trigger activates before a new record is added to the warranty_claims table.
- The trigger starts by retrieving the most recent purchase date and the warranty period for the product from the sales and products tables.
- It calculates the difference (in months) between the purchase the date and the current date.
- If the difference exceeds the warranty period, the trigger raises an error with message indicating that the warranty period for the said product has expired.
- By using this trigger, the database ensures that only valid warranty caims are accepted, preventing unauthorized or expired claims.
14. close_warranty_claim
Purpose This trigger ensures that when a warranty claim is updated with a resolution, its status is automatically adjusted based on the outcome.
How It Works:
- Trigger Type: BEFORE UPDATE ---> The trigger activates before a warranty claim record is updated.
- The trigger checks if the claim's previous status is Pending.
- If the new resolution is Repair or Replacement, the status is set to Approved and the resolution date is recorded.
- If the new resolution is rejected, the status is set to Denied, and the resolution date is recorded.
- By implementing this trigger, the system enforces data consistency and ensure that every warranty claim is properly categorized.
In this section, we will focus on the Stored Procedues implemented in this project. These procedure contain precompiled SQL routines stored within the database, allowing users to execute complex SQL statements as a single unit with a single call.
this project includes a total of 24 stored procedures, each designed to enhance database performance by reducing execution time and improving security by allowing users to interact with these procedures instead of directly accessing databse tables which can greatly reduce the risk of SQL injection. Below is a breakdown of the implemented procedures and thier respective purposes:
1. addProduct
Description: The procedure is used to add new product into the products table while enforcing a stock quantity validation. It ensures that no product can be added with zero stock to the database, preventing any potential inconsistencies in inventory management.
- p_type_id (INT UNSIGNED): The type/category of the product ( foreign key reference to the types table).
- p_brand_id (INT UNSIGNED): The brand of the product ( foreign key reeference to the brands table).
- p_name (VARCHAR(32)): The name of the product.
- p_model (VARCHAR(32)): The model name of the product.
- p_price (DECIMAL(10,2)): The price of the product.
- p_stock_quantity (INT): The initial stock of the product.
- p_desc (TEXT): A detailed discription of the product.
- p_warranty (INT UNSIGNED): The warranty period of the product (in months).
- The procedure checks if the p_stock_quantity variable is greater then zero.
- if the inital stock quantity is valid (greater then zero), it inserts the new product to the products table with the provided details.
- If the stock quantity is zero or negative, the procedure raises an error (
SQLSTATE '45000'
), preventing the addition of products with zero stock.
Useage Example
To add a new product using this procedure, execute:
CALL addProduct( 1, 2, 'Gaming Laptop', 'Predator Helios 300', 1299.99, 20, 'A high-performance gaming laptop with RTX 3070', 24);
- This procedure Reuces Manual SQL writing by wrapping the insert logic into a reusable procedure.
- Improves database security by preventing direct table manipulations.
2. deleteProduct
Description This procedure is used to soft delete a product from the products table. Instead of permanently removing the product record, it sets the deleted column to 1, indicating that the product is no longer available.
- product_id (INT INSIGNED): The unqiue identifier of the product to be deleted.
- The procedure updates the deleted column of the specified product to 1 marking it as deleted.
Usage Example
CALL deleteProduct(5);
- Ensures data consistency by preventing accidental or unauthorized data loss tha could lead to broken references in related tables.
- Supports data recovery since the deleted product can be restored by updating the deleted flag to 0.
3. addProductStock
Description The procedure is designed to increase the stock quantity of an existsing product inside the products table. The main objective of this procedure is to update the current inventory levels when new stocks is received.
- product_id (INT UNSIGNED): The unique identifier of the product whose stock quantity is to be updated.
- new_quantity (INT UNSIGNED): The quantity of stock to be added to the existing amount.
- The procedure first checks whether the provided product_id exists in the products table.
- If the product exists, the procedure increases the stock_quantity by the quantity specified inside the new_quantity
- If the product does not exists, an error with the message "Product not found" is triggered.
- This error handling ensures data integrity and prevents invalid updates to non-existent products.
Usage Example
To add 50 units to the stock of the product with ID 3:
CALL addProductStock(3, 50);
- Helps maintain accurate inventory levels and ensures stock availability.
- The validation step prevents unintended updates to non-existent products.
- Provides clear feedback if the specified product is not found, reducing the risk of data errors.
4. addCustomer
Description This procedure is used to add new customers to the customers table. It simplifies the process of the customer registration and ensures that customer data are correctly inserted into the database.
- c_name (VARCHAR(32)): The name of the customer.
- c_last_name (VARCHAR(32)): The last name of the customer.
- c_email (VARCHAR(225)): The email of the customer.
- c_phone_num (VARCHAR(20)): The phone number of customer.
- c_address (VARCHAR(32)): The address of customer.
- When executed, the procedure insert a new record into the customers table with the specified details.
- No explicit validation is performed within the procedure mainly because any necessary validation (such as unique email checks) are handled by the database constraints.
Usage Example
To add new customer:
CALL addCustomer('John', 'Doe', '', '+1234567890', '123 Main St');
- Simplifies the customer registration process by combining complex SQL queries into a single procedure call.
- This procedure can be used is various application modules where customer registration is required.
- This procedure ensure consistent data entry into the customers table.
5. deleteCustomer
Description This procedure is used to soft delete a customer from the customers table. Instead of permanently removing the customer record, it sets the deleted column to 1, indicating that the customer is no longer available.
- customer_id (INT INSIGNED): The unqiue identifier of the customer to be deleted.
- The procedure updates the deleted column of the specified customer to 1 marking it as deleted.
Usage Example
To soft-delete a customer with the ID 5:
CALL deleteCustomer(5);
- Ensures data consistency by preventing accidental or unauthorized data loss tha could lead to broken references in related tables.
- Supports data recovery since the deleted customer can be restored by updating the deleted flag to 0.
6. addSale
Description This stored procedure is used to register a new sale in the sales table. It performs a set of pre-defined validations to ensure data integrity, calculate the total amount of the sale.
- product_id (INT UNSIGNED): The id of the product being sold.
- customer_id (INT UNSIGNED): The id of the customer making the purchase.
- p_quantity (INT UNSIGNED): The quantity of the product being sold.
- Validation Checks:
Check if the specified product already exists in the products table.
- If the product does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
product does not exist
- If the product does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
Check if the specified customer already exists inside the customer table.
- If the customer does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
customer does not exist
- If the customer does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
Make sure that the sale quantity is greater than zero.
- If the quantity is less or eaqual to zero, the system will raise an error with the message
quantity must be greater than zero
- If the quantity is less or eaqual to zero, the system will raise an error with the message
- Sale Registration:
- Retrieves the unit price of the specified product.
- Calculates the total sale amount.
- Insert a new record into the sales table with specified sale details.
- Stock management:
- The stock adjustment is automatically handled by the update_products_after_sale trigger, ensuring accurate inventory management.
Usage Example
To register a sale of 5 unit of the product with the ID of 2 to a customer with ID 3:
CALL addSale(2,3,5);
- Ensures that all referenced customers and products exists, maintaining consistency.
- Automates the sales registration process, reducing errors.
7. addSupplier
Description This procedure is used to add new parts/products supplier to the suppliers table. It simplifies the process of the supplier registration and ensures that supplier data are correctly inserted into the database.
- sup_name (VARCHAR(32)): The supplier name.
- sup_contact_person (VARCHAR(32)): The name of supplier designated contact person.
- sup_number (VARCHAR(20)): The phone number of the supplier.
- sup_email (VARCHAR(225)): The email of the supplier.
- sup_address (VARCHAR(225)): The full address of the supplier.
- When executed, the procedure insert a new record into the suppliers table with the specified details.
- No explicit validation is performed within the procedure mainly because any necessary validation (such as unique email checks) are handled by the database constraints.
Usage Example
To add a new supplier to the suppliers table:
CALL addSupplier('TechWorld Supplies', 'David Smith', '1234567890', '', '101 Tech Street');
- Simplifies the supplier registration process by combining complex SQL queries into a single procedure call.
- This procedure can be used is various application modules where supplier registration is required.
- This procedure ensure consistent data entry into the suppliers table.
8. deleteSupplier
Description This procedure is used to soft delete a part/product supplier from the suppliers table. Instead of permanently removing the supplier record, it sets the deleted column to 1, indicating that the supplier is no longer available.
- sup_id (INT INSIGNED): The unqiue identifier of the supplier to be deleted.
- The procedure updates the deleted column of the specified supplier to 1 marking it as deleted.
Usage Example
To soft-delete a supplier with the ID 3:
CALL deleteSupplier(3);
- Ensures data consistency by preventing accidental or unauthorized data loss tha could lead to broken references in related tables.
- Supports data recovery since the deleted supplier can be restored by updating the deleted flag to 0.
9. setProductSupplier
Description This procedure is used to associate a product with a corresponding supplier by adding a record to the product_suppliers table. This association also include setting a supply price for the product, Ensuring better inventory management.
- product_id (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the product to be linked.
- supplier_id (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the supplier providing the product.
- price (DECIMAL(10,2)): The supply price of the product by the supplier.
- Validation Checks:
- The procedure starts by checking whether the specified product already exists in the products table.
- If the product does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
product does not exists
- If the product does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
- The procedure ensures that the specified supplier already exists in the suppliers table.
- If the supplier does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
supplier does not exist
- If the supplier does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
- Supplier Association:
- If both validations pass, a new entry is added to the product_suppliers table, linking the product with the supplier along the specified supply price.
Usage Example
To Assign a product with the ID 5 to a supplier with ID 2 and set the supply price to 300,50:
CALL setProductSupplier(5, 2, 300,50);
- Streamlines the process of associating products with suppliers.
- Ensures that only valid products and suppliers are linked.
Description This procedure is used to add a new part to the parts table. This procedure essure that the part details are properly recorded in the database. This procedure is crucial because it only allows valid parts with positive stock quantity to be added to the database.
- part_name (VARCHAR(32)): The name of the part to be added.
- part_brand (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the part referencing the brands table.
- part_type (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the part's category/type referencing the types table.
- part_price (DECIMAL(10,2)): The price of the part.
- part_stock (INT UNSIGNED): The initial stock quantity of the part.
- Stock validation:
- The procedure ensures that the quantity of the new part is greater then zero.
- If the quantity is less or equal to zero, the system will raise an error with the message:
quantity must be greater then zero
- If the quantity is less or equal to zero, the system will raise an error with the message:
- Insertion:
- If the stock is valid, the part is added to the parts table with the provided details.
Usage Example
To add a new part named "Cooling Fan" with brand ID 3
, type ID 2
, a price of 25.50
, and an initial stock of 15
CALL addPart('Cooling Fan', 3, 2, 25.50, 15);
- prevents adding parts with invalid stock quantities.
- Simplifies the process of adding new parts while maintaining consistent data.
- Reduces the risk of invalid data entry by validating inputs.
11. deletePart
Description This procedure is used to soft delete a part from the parts table. Instead of permanently removing the part record, it sets the deleted column to 1, indicating that the part is no longer available.
- part_id (INT INSIGNED): The unqiue identifier of the part to be deleted.
- The procedure updates the deleted column of the specified part to 1 marking it as deleted.
Usage Example
To soft-delete a part with the ID 3:
CALL deletePart(3);
- Ensures data consistency by preventing accidental or unauthorized data loss tha could lead to broken references in related tables.
- Supports data recovery since the deleted part can be restored by updating the deleted flag to 0.
12. addPartStock
Description The procedure is designed to increase the stock quantity of an existsing part inside the parts table. The main objective of this procedure is to update the current inventory levels when new stocks is received.
- part_id (INT UNSIGNED): The unique identifier of the part whose stock quantity is to be updated.
- new_quantity (INT UNSIGNED): The quantity of stock to be added to the existing amount.
- The procedure first checks whether the provided part_id exists in the parts table.
- If the part exists, the procedure increases the stock_quantity by the quantity specified inside the new_quantity
- If the part does not exists, an error with the message "Part not found" is triggered.
- This error handling ensures data integrity and prevents invalid updates to non-existent products.
Usage Example
To add 50 units to the stock of the part with ID 4:
CALL addPartStock(4, 50);
- Helps maintain accurate inventory levels and ensures stock availability.
- The validation step prevents unintended updates to non-existent parts.
- Provides clear feedback if the specified part is not found, reducing the risk of data errors.
13. setPartSupplier
Description This procedure is used to associate a part with a corresponding supplier by adding a record to the part_suppliers table. This association also include setting a supply price for the part, Ensuring better inventory management.
- part_id (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the part to be linked.
- supplier_id (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the supplier providing the part.
- price (DECIMAL(10,2)): The supply price of the part by the supplier.
- Validation Checks:
- The procedure starts by checking whether the specified part already exists in the parts table.
- If the part does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
part does not exists
- If the part does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
- The procedure ensures that the specified supplier already exists in the suppliers table.
- If the supplier does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
supplier does not exist
- If the supplier does not exist, the system will raise an error with the message:
- Supplier Association:
- If both validations pass, a new entry is added to the part_suppliers table, linking the part with the supplier along the specified supply price.
Usage Example
To Assign a part with the ID 4 to a supplier with ID 2 and set the supply price to 50,99:
CALL setPartSupplier(4, 2, 50,99);
- Streamlines the process of associating parts with suppliers.
- Ensures that only valid parts and suppliers are linked.
14. setPartCompatibility
Description This procedure is used to define compatibility between a part and a product in the system. By linking parts to products, it helps managers maintain accurate records of which parts are compatible with which products.
- part_id (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the part to be associated.
- product_id (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the product with which the part is compatible.
- Validation Checks:
- The procedure checks whether the provided part ID exists in the parts table.
- If the part does not exist in the table, the system will raise an error with the message:
Part does not exist
- If the part does not exist in the table, the system will raise an error with the message:
- It then checks wether the specified product_id already exists in the products table.
- If the product does not exists in the table, the system will raise an error with the message:
product does not exist
- If the product does not exists in the table, the system will raise an error with the message:
2.Compatibility Registration
- If both IDs are valid, a new record will be added to the part_compatibility table.
Usage Example
To associate a part with ID 5 as compatible with a product of the ID 10:
CALL setPartCompatibility(5,10);
- Ensures that only valid parts and products are linked, preventing invalid references.
- Facilitates future compatibility expansion as new parts and products are added.
15. addTechnician
Description This procedure is designed to add a new technician to the technicians table. This procedure helps streamline the process of expanding the repair teams who handle repair requests and other technical tasks.
- first_name (VARCHAR(32)): The first name of the technician.
- last_name (VARCHAR(32)): The last name of the technician.
- email (VARCHAR(255)): The email address of the technician.
- The procedure adds a new record to the technicians table using the provided details.
Usage Example
To add a new technician with the name "John Doe" with the email "":
CALL addTechnician('John','Doe','')
- Ensures that technicians are added uniformly to the database.
- Minimizes the risk of inconsistent data entry due to manual typing.
16. deleteTechnician
Description This procedure is used to soft delete a technician from the technicians table. Instead of permanently removing the technician record, it sets the deleted column to 1, indicating that the technician is no longer available.
- technician_id (INT INSIGNED): The unqiue identifier of the technician to be deleted.
- The procedure updates the deleted column of the specified part to 1 marking it as deleted.
Usage Example
To soft-delete a technician with the ID 3:
CALL deleteTechnician(3);
- Ensures data consistency by preventing accidental or unauthorized data loss tha could lead to broken references in related tables.
- Supports data recovery since the deleted technician can be restored by updating the deleted flag to 0.
17. setTechnicianStatus
Description This procedure is used to update the status of a technician in the technicians table. The main objective of this procedure is to ensure that the availability of technicians are correctly tracked by managers, which allow optimal assignments of repair requests.
- technician_id (INT UNSIGNED): The unique ID of the technician whose status needs to be updated.
- t_status (VARCHAR(32)): The new status to be assigned to the technician. It must be either Active or On_leave.
- Validation Check:
- Ensures that the new status is either Active or On_leave.
- If an invalid status is provided, the procedure raises an error with the message:
Invalid status value
- Status Update:
- If the status is valid, the technician's status is updated in the technicians table.
Usage Examples
- To mark a technician as 'On_leave':
CALL setTechnicianStatus(5, 'On_leave');
- To mark a technician as 'Active':
CALL setTechnicianStatus(5, 'Active');
- Prevents invalid status entries by restricting status update to predefined values.
- Reduces manual updates, making the system more efficient and less error-prone.
18. addRepairRequest
Description This procedure is used to create a new repair request for a product owned by a customer. This ensures that only valid customers and product are allowed to submit repair requests.
- customer_id (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the customer submitting the repair request.
- product_id (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the product that require repair.
- title (VARCHAR(255)): A bref title summarizing the issue.
- issue_desc (TEXT): A detailed description of the issue the customer is facing.
- Customer Validation:
- The procedure starts by checking if the provided customer_id already exists in the customers table.
- If the customer does not exist, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
customer does not exist
- Product Validation:
- Checks if the provided product_id already exists in the products table.
- If the product does not exist, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
product does not exist
- Insert Repair Request
- If both customer and product exist in the database, a new repair request is added to the repair_requests table with the specified details.
Usage Example
To create a new repair request:
CALL addRepairRequest(3, 12, 'Screen not working', 'The laptop screen is flickering and turns off randomly.');
- Ensures that repair requests are added uniformly to the database.
- Minimizes the risk of inconsistent data entry due to manual typing.
- Prevents invalid repair requests that could reference nonexistent products or customers.
19. assignTechnician
Description This procedure is used to assign a technician to a repair request. It ensures that only Active technicians are assigned to pending repair requests.
- request_id (INT UNSIGNED): The unique ID of the repair that requires a technician.
- tech_id (INT UNSIGNED): The unique ID of the technician to be assigned.
- Repair request validation
- The procedure first checks whether the provided request_id already exists in the repair_requests table.
- If the repair request does not exist, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
repair request does not exist
- Check repair request status
- The procedure checks if the repair request status is pending
- If the request is In_progress or Completed, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
cannot assign a technician to a In_progress/Completed repair requests
- ** Technician validation**
- The procedure checks whether the provided tech_id already exists in the technicians table.
- If the id does not exist, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
technician does not exist
- Check technician status
- The procedure ensure that the technician status is Active before assignment.
- If technician status is On_leave, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
cannot assign a repair request to an off duty technician
- Assign technician to repair Request
- If all checks pass, the technician is assigned to the specified repair request by updating the repair_requests table.
Usage Example
To assign technician with the ID 5 to the repair request withe the ID 12:
CALL assignTechnician(12,5);
- Prevents invalid assignment by ensuring both the repair request and technician exist in the database.
- Maintain effective workflow by allowing only Pending requests to be assigned.
- Maintain data consistency by ensuring that only Active technicians can be assigned.
20. calculaterepairCost
Description This procedure is used to calculate the total cost of a repair request, by summing the cost of all parts used in the repair.
- request_id (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the repair request.
- cost (OUT DECIMAL(10,2)): The total cost of the repair (output parameter).
- Retrieve Parts Used:
- The procedure queries the repair_parts table to get list of all parts that were used in the specified repair request.
- Calculate Cost:
- Calculate the total cost for each used part by multiplying it unit price (p.price) with the quantity used (rp.quantity).
- Summarize Total Cost
- aggregate the total cost of all parts used in the repair and stores it in the cost out parameter.
Usage example To calculate the repair cost for repair request with the ID 15: `CALL calculateRepairCost(15, @repair_cost);
SELECT @repair_cost; ` Benefits
- Automates the cost calculation, reducing manual effort.
21. completeRepairRequest
Description This procedure is used to mark a repair request as completed and updating its total cost. It ensures that only repair request with In_progress status can be marked as completed.
- request_id (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the repair request that need to be marked as completed.
- Validate repair request
- The procedure chocks if the specified repair request already exists in the repair_requests table.
- If the request does not exist, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
repair request does not exist
- Check the repair request status
- The procedure ensures that the repair request status is In_progress before marking as completed.
- If the status is Pending or completed, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
cannot complete a pending/completed repair request
- Calculate repair cost:
- The procedure calls the calculateRepairCost stored procedure to calculate the total cost of the repair, based on the parts used.
- Update repair request status and cost:
- The procedure updates the request status to Completed.
- It updates the repair_cost field with the calculated total cost.
Usage Example
To mark a repair request with the ID 15 as completed, use the following SQL command.
CALL completeRepairRequest(15);
- Automate cost calculation, reducing manual input.
- Maintain data integrity by preventing invalid status updates.
22. addWarrantyClaim
Description This procedure allows customers to submit a claim for a product they have purchased. It ensures that the claim is linked to a valid sale record, preventing unvalid claims.
- sale_id (INT UNSIGNED): The ID of the sale to be associated with the warranty claim.
- issue (TEXT): A detailed description of the problem the customer is experiencing.
- Validate sale record
- The procedure ensures that the provided sale ID already exists in the sales table.
- If the sale does not exist, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
warranty claims require valid sale record to be processed
- Retrieve product and customer information
- Once the sale is valid, the procedure will fetch both product_id and customer_id from the sale record.
- insert the warranty claim
- Once all required details are gathered, a new record is added to the warranty_claims table with the specified details.
Usage Example
To create a warranty claim for a sale with ID 10, reporting a defective screen, use the SQL command:
CALL addWarrantyClaim(10, 'The screen is not functioning properly.');
- Ensure that stored warranty claims are valid by linking them to existing sales records.
- Automate warranty claims processing, by reducing manual checks.
23. approveWarrantyClaim
Description This procedure is used to mark a warranty claim as Completed by specifying whether the resolution will be a Repair or a Replacement.It ensures that only valid and Pending warranty claims are processed.
- claim_id (INT UNSIGNED): The unique ID of the warranty claim to be marked as completed.
- claim_resolution (ENUM('Repair','Replacement')): A string indicating how the warranty claim will be resolved via repair or replacement.
- ** Validate the claim ID**:
- The procedure checks whether the provided warranty claim ID already exists in the warranty_claims table.
- If the ID does not exist, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
warranty claim does not exist
- Check the claim status:
- The procedure ensures that the specified warranty claim status is Pending before authorizing any update.
- If the warranty claim status is Approved or Denied, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
cannot handle an already Approved/Denied warranty claim
- update the warranty claim
- The procedure updates the resolution_details column of the specified warranty claim with the provided details.
Usage Example
To approve a warranty claim with ID 5 and resolve it via Replacement, use:
CALL approveWarrantyClaim(5, 'Replacement');
To approve a warranty claim with ID 10 and resolve it via Repair, use:
CALL approveWarrantyClaim(10, 'Repair');
- Ensures only pending claims are processed, preventing duplicate handling.
- Automates the approval workflow, reducing manual intervention.
24. denyWarrantyClaim
Description This procedure is used to mark a warranty claim as Denied. It ensures that only valid and Pending warranty claims are processed.
- claim_id (INT UNSIGNED): The unique ID of the warranty claim to be marked as denied.
- ** Validate the claim ID**:
- The procedure checks whether the provided warranty claim ID already exists in the warranty_claims table.
- If the ID does not exist, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
warranty claim does not exist
- Check the claim status:
- The procedure ensures that the specified warranty claim status is Pending before authorizing any update.
- If the warranty claim status is Approved or Denied, the procedure will raise an error with the message:
cannot handle an already Denied/Approved warranty claim
- update the warranty claim
- The procedure updates the resolution_details column of the specified warranty claim, setting its value to Rejected.
Usage Example
To deny a warranty claim with ID 5 use:
CALL denyWarrantyClaim(5, 'Rejected');
- Ensures only pending claims are processed, preventing duplicate handling.
- Automates warranty claim management, reducing manual processing.