Test to see how you make OpenSUSE build services build automagically with GitHub
OpenSus build service is a great tool, but...
- There is a lot of technically correct documentation that doesn't actually tell you how to do stuff
- The build process is fragile
- Error messages are cryptic
- It is a b*tch to debug if you have not got your own instance of open build service (which I do not)
I tried to get this going for my project Seccubus (www.seccubus.com) but failed miserably. So, I turned to creating this GitHub project to have a simple basis to test out how to get all the parts moving correctly. I blew several days just to get this working, but am now at a stage where it actually works and I can try to fix this for Seccubus again.
- Created and empty repo at https://github.com/seccubus/obs_autobuild_test
- Created a new obs package container https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:seccubus/obs_autobuild_test
- checked out the obs container
$ osc checkout obs_autobuild_test
A obs_autobuild_test
At revision None.
In the obs container I created a file called _services with the following content. (For the full content see: https://github.com/seccubus/obs_autobuild_test/blob/master/obs/_service)
This block downloads you source as a tar archive from github
<service name="tar_scm">
<param name="scm">git</param>
<param name="url">https://github.com/seccubus/obs_autobuild_test</param>
<param name="filename">obs-autobuild-test</param>
If a built is triggered this section of the services file makes sure that the source is downloaded from GitHub and packed into a tar file with the name obs-autobuild-test.xxx.yyy.tar I replaced the _'s in the filename with hyphens (-) because the debian build tools seem to hate underscores.
The version numbers generated by tar_scm are a bit odd by default, and we want them to look prettier so I added the following line to the tar_scm service block
<param name="versionformat">@PARENT_TAG@.@TAG_OFFSET@</param>
@PARENT_TAG@ will be replaced by the closest tag to the current commit. @TAG_OFFSET@ will be replaced by a by the number of commits since the tag was added to the branch. Currently you have to make sure that the tag is fully numeric (e.g. 1.0) in stead of the style recommended by GitHub (v1.0), because in this case set_version will break and you will see this error:
Files could not be expanded: Running /usr/lib/obs/service/set_version - -outdir /lxc.tmp.29937/out
If you tag you local repository make sure you use annotated tags (see: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Tagging#Annotated-Tags) and push them to you upstream repo like this:
$ git tag -a 0.6 -m "This will be version 0.6"
$ git push origin 0.6
Counting objects: 1, done.
Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 179 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@github.com:seccubus/obs_autobuild_test.git
* [new tag] 0.6 -> 0.6
or if you want to push multiple tags in one go
$ git tag -a 0.7 -m "This will be version 0.7"
$ git push origin --tags
Counting objects: 1, done.
Writing objects: 100% (1/1), 179 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 1 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git@github.com:seccubus/obs_autobuild_test.git
* [new tag] 0.4 -> 0.4
* [new tag] 0.7 -> 0.7
The full services file now looks like this:
This block downloads you source as a tar archive from github
Be aware that the tag should always start with a number
(See https://github.com/openSUSE/obs-service-set_version/issues/30 for details)
If you start with a letter, you will see this error:
Files could not be expanded: Running /usr/lib/obs/service/set_version - -outdir /lxc.tmp.29937/out
<service name="tar_scm">
<param name="scm">git</param>
<param name="url">https://github.com/seccubus/obs_autobuild_test</param>
<param name="versionformat">@PARENT_TAG@.@TAG_OFFSET@</param>
<param name="filename">obs-autobuild-test</param>
Next we need to tell OBS to extract our build files. The following section of the services file does just that.
This block tells the build service to extract your spec files from the tar archive
If you mess up with e.g. the changelog file you can get very strange results like
this error message
Files could not be expanded: TypeError: expected a character buffer object
There is an open issue on GitHub for this:
<service name="extract_file">
<param name="archive">*.tar</param>
<param name="files">*/rpm/*.spec */deb/*</param>
If basically tells obs to look for a file matching the *.tar pattern and extract files matching /rpm/.spec and /deb/ from it. Attention: Some other services do pre-checking on the debian files as they are extracted. If you see the error below it is most likely because one of you debian files is not correctly formatted. For me is was the debian.changelog that was not working as expected.
Files could not be expanded: TypeError: expected a character buffer object
If this happens add individual files to the pattern instead of the /deb/ (e.g. */deb/debian.changelog) to find out which file is the offending one.
Lots of build utilities expect a *.tar.gz file instead of a *.tar file, the recompress service allows you to compress the downloaded tar file.
This block tells the build service to recompress the tar file to a tar.gz tarbal
as that is what is expected by the build script.
Be aware that this compresses to *.tar.gz and not to *.tgz.
<service name="recompress">
<param name="file">*.tar</param>
<param name="compression">gz</param>
In this case files matching *.tar are compressed using gz compression.
Your *.spec file, *.dsc and debian.changelog file all contain version specific strings that need to be matched to the version set during the scm_tar phase. The set_version service does that for you. No need to specify any parameters here.
This updates your spec file to match the version with was was generated in the
tar_scm step
<service name="set_version" />
If you want to know more about the api or of the parameters to the services run the following command:
$ osc api /service |less
It give you a fairly decent description of all available service.
You can see the *.spec file here: https://github.com/seccubus/obs_autobuild_test/tree/master/rpm. This is a very skeletal spec file that only does a few things:
- Set the topdir to /home/abuild/rpmbuild as is used by OBS for RH/CentOS 6 and 7 builds
- Create a etc directory
- Touches etc/bla.txt
- Installs etc/bla.txt
You need to create all the files that are here: https://github.com/seccubus/obs_autobuild_test/tree/master/deb If you want to understand these files, then look here: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Debian_builds#Minimum_set_of_files_required_to_create_.deb
A couple of remarks though:
- I learned the hard way that OBS hates underscores in files names. Hence obs_autobuild_test.dsc has obs-autobuild-test as source and binary name
- Same goes for source and binary in debian.control
- Same goes for debian.changelog
- All the magic happens in debian.rules
In order for GitHub to trigger your build you will need to generate a token. The command osc token --create will do this for you.
$ osc token --create home:seccubus obs_autobuild_test
Create a new token
<status code="ok">
<data name="token">ReDaCtEdReDaCtEdReDaCtEdReDaCtEd</data>
You can use this token to trigger a build manually.
$ osc token --trigger ReDaCtEdReDaCtEdReDaCtEdReDaCtEd
Trigger token
<status code="ok" />
You can also have GitHub trigger this automatically. To do this execute the following steps:
- Go to you repository, in my case: https://github.com/seccubus/obs_autobuild_test
- Click settings: https://github.com/seccubus/obs_autobuild_test/settings
- Click 'Webhooks & services': https://github.com/seccubus/obs_autobuild_test/settings/hooks
- Click the 'Add service v' button and select the 'Obs' service: https://github.com/seccubus/obs_autobuild_test/settings/hooks/new?service=obs
- Follow the instructions on the screen
Provide the following parameters:
- Url - You only need to provide this when you have your own instance of OBS, you can leave this blank if you use https://build.opensuse.org
- Project - Your OBS project, in my case home:seccubus
- Package - Your OBS package, in my case obs_autobuild_test
- Refs - A GitHub ref to e.g. a branch that will trigger a build. It is smart to set this to e.g. refs/heads/master or refs/heads/releases so that only commits to the master or releases branch will trigger a package build
- Token - The token you generated above in my case ReDaCtEdReDaCtEdReDaCtEdReDaCtEd ;)
- http://openbuildservice.org/2013/11/22/Source-Update-Via_Token/ - Very sketchy and incomplete
- http://openbuildservice.org/help/manuals/obs-reference-guide/cha.obs.source_service.html - Not very usefull almost internal developer style documentation
- https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Concept_SourceService - Still too high level
- https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_private_instance_software_live_cycle - Pretty decent docs. Managed to trigger a build that grabs the software from scm, but then I got stuck
- https://forums.opensuse.org/showthread.php/501869-How-to-define-these-kinds-of-version-format-in-OpenSUSE-Build-Service - Also helpful
- irc://irc.freenode.net/openSUSE-buildservice - Open Build Service IRC channel was very helpful
- https://gist.github.com/iandexter/966212 - A skeleton spec file
- https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Build_Service_Debian_builds#Minimum_set_of_files_required_to_create_.deb - Information on how to make a deb package