rc-drag is a react-based drag-and-zoom component library that provides a flexible drag configuration and allows us to scale from different angles. ❤️ Mobile drag and drop is supported.
npm i @alex_xu/rc-drag
yarn add @alex_xu/rc-drag
参数 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
container | 画布元素或者画布id (Canvas element or canvas id) | HTMLElement | string |
pos | 画布初始化坐标 (The canvas initializes the coordinates) | [x:number, y:number] | [0, 0] |
size | 拖拽组件大小 (Drag component size) | [w:number, h:number] | [100, 100] |
isStatic | 是否禁止拖拽(Whether drag is prohibited) | boolean | false |
zIndex | 拖拽元素的层级 (Drag the level of the element) | number | 1 |
onDragStart | 鼠标拖拽开始 (The drag and drop begins) | fn | (item) => void |
onDragStop | 鼠标拖拽结束 (The drag ends) | fn | (item) => void |
close | todo | - | - |
onClose | todo | - | - |
// 导入
import { Drag } from '@alex_xu/rc-drag'
<div id="box">
<Drag container="#box">123</Drag>
pos={[0, 50]}
size={[100, 100]}
<img src="https://github.com/MrXujiang/h5-Dooring/raw/master/public/logo.png" />
If you have a feature request, please add it as an issue or make a pull request.
If you have a bug to report, please reproduce the bug in issue to help us easily isolate it.
- support rotate control
- support server-rendered apps