Quran, Hadiths, Sunnah and Dhikrs in one place!
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Table of Contents
- About The Project
- Features
- Getting Started
- Contributing
- Join our Telegram community group.
- Technologies Used
- Contact Author
- License
The Islam Application is a mobile app created for Muslims, offering access to the Quran, Sunnah, and Dhikrs. The app is designed to serve as a valuable resource for Muslims who are looking to enhance their knowledge and practice of Islam.
The app has been developed with the intention of being a source of reward for its contributors. Contributors to the app can earn sadaqah jariyah, a form of ongoing charity that continues to benefit the giver even after they have passed away, by contributing to its development.
The Islam Application has been built using the Ionic iOS theme, and offers both dark and white modes for the user's convenience. We welcome contributions to the app from the community, and encourage contributors to refer to the CONTRIBUTING.md file for guidelines on how to contribute.
We hope that the Islam Application will prove to be a valuable resource for Muslims worldwide, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions on how we can improve the app further.
The Islam Application includes the following features:
- Read the Holy Quran with 147+ translations
- Dark and white mode options for reading
- Built with the Ionic iOS theme for a seamless and responsive experience
- Location-based prayer times feature provides accurate timings for sunset, sunrise, first third, last third, and midnight times
- Choose from over 15+ prayer time calculation methods, default to Ummul Qura University
- Set reminders for prayer times with notifications to never miss a prayer again
- About screen with contributors list
- Change font size and font family from 18+ handpicked options
- Easily switch between reading mode and translations, and move to next or previous chapter or scroll to top of the chapter
- Sort Quran chapters by Surah no, revelation order, or juzs order
- Efficient search function for Quran chapters
- Countdown for the next prayer
- Display of Hijri and Gregorian date of today.
To get a local copy up and running follow these steps below.
version 18.12+
- Install ionic and capcitor globally
npm i -g @ionic/cli @capacitor/cli
. - Install dependencies
yarn install
- To start development server locally run
ionic serve
- Install playwright browsers
yarn playwright install --with-deps chromium chrome
- Run test cases
yarn playwright test
We welcome and greatly appreciate your contributions to the Islam app project. If you're interested in contributing, please refer to the guidelines outlined in the CONTRIBUTING.md file. May Allah (SWT) reward you for your efforts and bless your contributions to this Islamic project.
Join our community on Telegram to stay up-to-date with the latest updates of the app, ask questions, and share your feedback and ideas with other members. To join our Telegram group, follow these steps:
We look forward to connecting with you on Telegram and hearing your thoughts about our app!
The Islam project is built using the following technologies:
The Islam Application is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.