- Node: JavaScript runtime for executing server-side code
- Express: A web framework for building Node.js applications
- EJS: Template engine for embedding JavaScript into HTML
- SCSS: A CSS preprocessor that adds features like variables and nesting
To start the server in development mode, run the following command;
npm run dev
- Gulp will be ran in watch mode, there by watching changes in the SCSS files & re-build the css files to the destination directory.
- Nodemon will run the app.js file watching for any changes and re-starting the server and listening for requests on port, specified in the .env file.
To start the server in production mode, run the following command;
npm run start
- Gulp will generate minified css files to the destination(public) director from the scss files from the source(src) directory.
- After the css files are generated, node will run the app.js file, starting the server and listening for requests on port, specified in the .env file.