This is a sample library showing xxDK running inside of a .NET runtime with a simple C# library wrapper.
This is tested to run on MacOS (M1/Arm version) and Linux (Ubuntu x86_64). It should run on Windows but may need the library name changed.
make -k
cd xxdk.NET
dotnet run --ndf mainnet-ndf.json --state-dir world --wait 20 | grep ^DM
It's highly recommended to run with grep on the output. Especially on mainnet, logs can be noisy with failure to connect errors as it accesses the network.
Once you've run once with dotnet (or built it), you can run the
shell script to have 2 clients talk to each other (or you can
run it on your own).
Main logic is in Program.cs, the xxdk library wrapper is in xxdk.cs.
go build -buildmode=c-shared -o main.go
More complex example (which would support direct extern C callbacks):
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=arm64 go build -trimpath -buildmode=c-shared -ldflags '-extldflags "-lresolv -undefined dynamic_lookup"' -o main.go
We moved the Callbacks into a wrapper, so the simple one will work for everyone now.