"Port" / "Refactor" a previous java desktop project to a web project using MEN stack as backend (MongoDB, Express, Node), which gives us a opportunity to manage our movies, organize them by directors and/or movies etc.
Entity | Type | URL | Description |
- | GET | / | Home Page with the recently added movies (with a limit (10)). |
Director | GET | directors | Read all directors with a search option. |
GET | directors/new | "Read" - Get the create new director page. | |
POST | directors/create | Create a new director. | |
GET | directors/:id | Read a specific director by id. | |
GET | directors/:id/edit | "Read" - Get the update or editing page of the director. | |
PUT | directors/:id | Update a director by id. | |
DELETE | directors/:id | Delete a director by id - delete every movies of the director as well. | |
Movie | GET | movies | Read all movies with a search option. |
GET | movies/available | Read all available (not rented) movies. | |
GET | movies/new | "Read" - Get the create new movie page. | |
POST | movies/create | Create a new movie. | |
GET | movies/:id | Read a specific movie by id. | |
GET | movies/:id/edit | "Read" - Get the update or editing page of the movie. | |
PUT | movies/:id | Update movie by id. | |
DELETE | movies/:id | Delete a movie by id. |