Exposed Port:
- 6006
Internal Service Name:
- Neo Component
In the project directory, you can run:
Run the storybook serveur on 6006 port.
Open http://localhost:6006 to view it in the browser.
Builds the app with vite to be usable as a node_module in other service
It will setup husky to roll before commit
If you run it multiple times you will add duplicate pre-commit hooks, so if in a doubt simply delete .husky/
folder and run yarn husky:setup
:warn: On windows you could run into some trouble to push your change, if so go to ./.husky/pre-push
and add before yarn build
if [ -t 1 ]; then
exec < /dev/tty
If you are making breaking change to local storage don't forget to update the LOCAL_STORAGE_VERSION in useLocalStorage file
- First look in the translation files in
if your translation already exist - Translation are sorted by lexical field
- If you think some translation could be better sorted, go ahead !
- Avoid full uppercase translation, use
in your javascript - Avoid having the name of the previous key in the translation key
❌ "ticket": { "newTicket": "New ticket"}
✅ "ticket": { "new": "New ticket"}
You can add singular and plural translation by having one key with _one
for singular and _other
for plural
In your translation file:
"ticket": {
"new_one": "New Ticket",
"new_other": "New Tickets",
In your javascript:
t("", { count: 1 }); // New Ticket
t("", { count: 326 }); // New Tickets
You can have some variable injected in your translation using the {{yourVariable}}
syntax, it works with count or anything
In your translation file:
"ticket": {
"withNumber_one": "{{count}} ticket",
"withNumber_other": "{{count}} tickets",
In your javascript:
t("ticket.withNumber", { count: 1 }); // 1 ticket
t("ticket.withNumber", { count: 326 }); // 326 tickets
You can add context to your translation, here is a exemple for gender
In your translation file:
"scale": {
"low": "Bas",
"low_female": "Basse",
"high": "Haut",
"high_female": "Haute",
In your javascript:
t("scale.low"); // Bas
t("scale.low", { context: "female" }); // Basse
First, you need to change the package version and build it with rollup yarn build
When the build is done, run yarn pack
to compile your package in a tgz file
Then go to the project where you want to test it and run yarn add file:path/to/tgz/file
Exemple : yarn add file:../Neo_Component/neomanis-neo-component-v2.26.0.tgz
Now it will take your local package
yarn remove @neomanis/neo-component
yarn add @neomanis/neo-component
First run:
cd ../Your-Local-Package
yarn build
yarn link
(this will print out a Success message with the yarn command to use later on)yarn install
cd ../path/to/Your-React-Project
yarn link Your-Local-Package-alias
And it's all good.
First run:
cd ../Your-Local-Package
yarn build
yarn link
(this will print out a Success message with the yarn command to use later on)yarn install
Then (still in the same folder) run:
cd ./node_modules/react
yarn link
wich will create an alias (react
)cd ../react-dom
yarn link
wich will also create an alias (react-dom
cd ../path/to/Your-React-Project
yarn link Your-Local-Package-alias
yarn link react
yarn link react-dom
You'll have to build your local package and restart your react server on every modifications in order to see your updates.
note: If you need to unlink you can run yarn unlink
in the folder that you desire to remove from aliases
There is no prerequisites before push your work into your branch, since the simlinks are made locally
You should install the playwight vscode extension: Name: Playwright Test for VSCode VS Marketplace Link:
With it you can run your tests directly from vscode.
yarn test
-> it will run all the tests in the project on different browsers (Chromium, Firefox, WebKit). If any test fails it will open a report in the browser with the results.
You can generate a new component with the following command:
yarn generate:atoms <name>
yarn generate:molecules <name>
yarn generate:organism <name>
You can chain multiple component name like : yarn generate:atoms Toto Titi Tata
It will a create a new folder in the corresponding component type with 4 new files:
(index file to export the component)
It will also add it's export in the corresponding component type index file
In order to override style in react-select component, you can use the
props to set inner elements with custom styles. You can go visite this page to see what and how to use it ( -
Here is the base styled from our library:
clearIndicator: (provided, state) => ({
display: "bloc",
padding: 0,
position: "absolute",
right: 30,
top: 10,
border: "none",
container: (provided, state) => ({
background: "#0E3864",
padding: 0,
margin: 0,
color: "#DAE5E5",
control: (provided, state) => ({
width: "100%",
color: "#DAE5E5",
background: "#0E3864",
border: "none",
dropdownIndicator: (provided, state) => ({
display: "bloc",
padding: 0,
position: "absolute",
right: 5,
top: 10,
border: "none",
indicatorSeparator: (provided, state) => ({
display: "none",
input: (provided, state) => ({
color: "#DAE5E5",
margin: 0,
menu: (provided, state) => ({
background: "#0E3864",
multiValue: (provided, state) => ({
color: "#DAE5E5",
background: "#FF1166",
margin: 1,
multiValueLabel: (provided, state) => ({
background: "#152535",
color: "#DAE5E5",
noOptionsMessage: (provided, state) => ({
background: "#0E3864",
borderRadius: 10,
margin: 0,
option: (provided, state: { isSelected }) => ({
"&:hover": {
background: "#366688",
cursor: "pointer",
background: "#0E3864",
color: state.isSelected ? "#FF1166" : "#DAE5E5",
padding: 10,
singleValue: (provided, state) => ({
color: "#DAE5E5",