Found useful by Nobel Laureates and more:
- Economics Nobel Laureate 2018, Dr. Paul Romer on Twitter
- Getting Started Right
- Debugging - IPython debugger and
- Programming Sugar - using shell commands with Python from within notebook and other hacks
- Search Magic - search across several notebooks for a code snippet
- Jupyter Kungfu - jupyter specific tips such as looking up docs in several ways
- Sanity Checks
- ⭐ nbdime - Better
git diff
for Jupyter - Markdown Printing - Use formatted Markdown in your print statements
- Find currently running cell - javascript snippet which adds a keyboard shortcut to find currently executing cell
- Better Mindset - covers broader Python recommendations
- Plotting and Visualization Tips
- Start your Jupyter server with
instead of directssh
. This works out to be more stable Jupyter server which doesn't die unexpectedly. Consider writing the buffer logs to a file rather than stdout- This is specially useful when working inside Docker using
docker attach
where you might not see a lot of logs
- This is specially useful when working inside Docker using
- Consider using a ssh client like MobaXterm Personal Portable Edition with multiple tabbed ssh client options
- Refer How to Tunnel using SSH (with illustrations) to tunnel to a remote Jupyter notebook
- When you see an error, you can run
in a new cell to activate IPython Debugger. Standard keyboard shortcuts such asc
for continue,n
for next,q
for quit apply - Use
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace
to IPython debugger checkpoints, the same way you would forpdb
in PyCharm
from IPython.core.debugger import set_trace
def foobar(n):
x = 1337
y = x + n
set_trace() #this one triggers the debugger
return y
> <ipython-input-9-04f82805e71f>(7)fobar()
5 y = x + n
6 set_trace() #this one triggers the debugger
----> 7 return y
9 foobar(3)
ipdb> q
Exiting Debugger.
Preference Note: If I already have an exception, I prefer %debug
because I can zero down to the exact line where code breaks compared to set_trace()
where I have to traverse line by line
- When editing imported code, use
%load_ext autoreload; %autoreload 2
. The autoreload utility reloads modules automatically before entering the execution of code typed at the IPython prompt.
This makes the following workflow possible:
In [1]: %load_ext autoreload
In [2]: %autoreload 2 # set autoreload flag to 2. Why? This reloads modules every time before executing the typed Python code
In [3]: from foo import some_function
In [4]: some_function()
Out[4]: 42
In [5]: # open in an editor and change some_function to return 43
In [6]: some_function()
Out[6]: 43
- When using
on a nested list or dictionary, consider doingprint(json.dumps(out_var, indent=2))
instead. It will pretty print the output string.
- Executing a shell command from inside your notebook. You can use this to check what files are in available in your working folder
!ls *.csv
or even!pwd
to check your current working directory- You can
cd {PATH}
where PATH is a Python variable, similarly you can doPATH = !pwd
to use relative paths instead of absolute - Both
work with mild preference for!pwd
to signal other code readers that this is a shell command - Shell commands are nice, but we discourage their use - makes it difficult to refactor to script later. For instance
cd ../../
in Jupyter could be done usingos.setcwd()
as well
- You can
- Running jupyter from an environment does NOT mean that the shell environment in
will have the same environment variables- Running
!pip install foo
(orconda install bar
) will use thepip
which is in the path for thesh
shell which might be different from whateverbash
shell environment you use
- Running
- If you want to install a package while inside Jupyter and
!pip install foo
doesn't seem to do it, try:
import sys
!{sys.executable} -m pip install foo # sys.executable points to the python that is running in your kernel
Use the Search Magic file - no need to pip install. Download and use the file.
In [1]: from search_magic import SearchMagic
In [2]: get_ipython().register_magics(SearchMagic)
In [3]: %create_index
In [4]: %search tesseract
Out[4]: Cell Number -> 2
Notebook -> similarity.ipynb
Notebook Execution Number -> 2
- If in a cell after writing a function you hit
shift + tab
, it will display function's docstring in a tooltip, and it has options to expand the tooltip or expand it at the bottom of the screen - Use
to view function, class docstrings etc. For example:
S.replace(old, new[, count]) -> str
Return a copy of S with all occurrences of substring
old replaced by new. If the optional argument count is
given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.
Type: method_descriptor
- List all the variables/functions in a module:
. For instance:pd.*?
. Additionally, this works with prefixes:pd.read_*?
will also work - Show the docstring+code for a function/class using :
- Press
to view keyboard shortcuts
- If your imports are failing, check your notebook kernel on the right top in gray
- Consider using
for instead ofpip virtualenv
similar because that ensures package versions are consistent.conda
is not a Python package manager. Check conda (vs pip): Myths and Misconceptions from the creator of Pandas - The cell type can be changed to markdown and plain text too
- Some people convert code cells to markdown if you don't want to execute them but don't want to comment either
- Consider downloading a notebook as a Python file and then push to Github for code review or use nbdime
Selective Diff/Merge Tool for jupyter notebooks
Install it first:
pip install -e git+
It should automatically configure it for jupyter notebook. If something doesn’t work, see installation.
Then put the following into ~/.jupyter/nbdime_config.json
"Extension": {
"source": true,
"details": false,
"outputs": false,
"metadata": false
"NbDiff": {
"source": true,
"details": false,
"outputs": false,
"metadata": false
"NbDiffDriver": {
"source": true,
"details": false,
"outputs": false,
"metadata": false
"NbMergeDriver": {
"source": true,
"details": false,
"outputs": false,
"metadata": false
"dummy": {}
Change outputs value to true if you care to see outputs diffs too.
Including markdown in your code’s output is very useful. Use this to highlight parameters, performance notes and so on. This enables colors, Bold, etc.
from IPython.display import Markdown, display
def printmd(string, color=None):
colorstr = "<span style='color:{}'>{}</span>".format(color, string)
printmd("**bold and blue**", color="blue")
Add this snippet to the start of your notebook. Press Alt+I
to find the cell being executed right now. This does not work if you have enabled vim bindings:
// Go to Running cell shortcut
Jupyter.keyboard_manager.command_shortcuts.add_shortcut('Alt-I', {
help : 'Go to Running cell',
help_index : 'zz',
handler : function (event) {
setTimeout(function() {
// Find running cell and click the first one
if ($('.running').length > 0) {
//alert("found running cell");
}}, 250);
return false;
- IMPORTANT: Frequently rewrite each cell logic into functions. These functions can be moved to separate
files on regular intervals. Your notebook run should be mainly function calls.- This would prevent your notebook from becoming a giant pudding of several global variables
- If particular cells take too long to run, add
cell magic as a warning + runtime logger - If you are on Py3.6+, please use f-strings!
f"This is iteration: {iter_number}"
is much more readable than.format()
syntax - Any code that is used in more than 3 notebooks should be moved to .py files (such as and imported such as
from xxx_imports import *
- Quite often, we frequently re-run same code cell. Instead, refactor that cell to a function and call that function repeatedly to prevent accidental edits
- Use
instead ofos.path
wherever possible for more readable code. Here is a beginner friendly tutorial. If you just want to review, refer the crisp tutorial or official docs
- Always have
%matplotlib inline
to ensure that the plots are rendered inside the notebook - Use separate plotting functions instead of repeating
code to avoid code bloating. Usingsubplots
from Matplotlib OO API is usually neater than using moreplt.plots
def show_img(im, figsize=None, ax=None, title=None):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if not ax: fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
ax.imshow(im, cmap='gray')
if title is not None: ax.set_title(title)
return ax
def draw_rect(ax, bbox):
import matplotlib.patches as patches
x, y, w, h = bbox
patch = ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((x, y), w,h, fill=False, edgecolor='red', lw=2))
is a reusable plotting function which can be easily extended to plot one off images as well properly use subplots.
In below example, I use a single figure and add new images as subplots using the neater axes.flat syntax:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(6, 2))
ax = show_img(char_img, ax= axes.flat[0], title = 'char_img_line_cropping:\n'+str(char_img.shape))
ax = show_img(char_bg_mask, ax=axes.flat[1], title = 'Bkg_mask:\n'+str(char_bg_mask.shape))
# If you are working on image segmentation task, you can easily add red rectangles per subplot:
draw_rect(ax, char_bounding_boxes) # will add red bounding boxes for each character
- Don't use alias and alias_magic unless extremely helpful. Aliases make your code difficult to read for other developers
- Don't leave
in your code. Why? Because it does 1,00,000 runs of the cell and then return average of best 3 runtimes. This is not always needed. Instead use%%time
or add average times in inline comments