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  • Test project to play around with typescript and mono repos
  • Challenge the power of yacg
  • Beside playing with codeGen has this project no purpose or deeper sense
# kick off after a fresh clone
git clone

# this doesn't work because dependency issues of uuid-mongodb
# npx lerna bootstrap --hoist

# use instead this ...
npx lerna bootstrap
npm install --legacy-peer-deps


  • npm 7.5.2
  • docker
  • bash

(The project is developed and tested under Ubuntu 20.04)

Setup Lerna

npx lerna init
npm install typescript @types/node --save-dev

# create types package
./node_modules/.bin/lerna create types

# create a global tsconfig.json in the root folder

# create a inherited tsconfig in packages/types

# install testing dev dependencies on root level
npm install --save-dev ts-node mocha @testdeck/mocha @types/mocha nyc chai ts-mockito

# examples to add dependencies to other packages
./node_modules/.bin/lerna add types --scope=types_random


# build the projects
npx lerna run tsc

# run all tests
npx lerna run test

# bump versions for all packages
npx lerna version "1.0.0-rc.1"

# run all tests with coverage
node_modules/.bin/nyc npx lerna run test

# run build for one package
cd packages/types
npm run tsc

# run tests for one package
cd packages/types
npm run test

# run docker-compose based tests


Attention, the codegen is using the latest version of If you run into complile issues the you have maybe to old latest version on your machine. There are small but breaking changes from v3.* to v4.*. Pull the new latest version (currently 4.0.0) and the problems should be gone.

  • The use codeGen template are in ./codeGen/*.mako
  • The configuration for the whole codeGen project is in ./codeGen/config/generateAll.json
  • To run the codeGen execute ./bin/
  • To run only specific tasks run specify the tasks switch of yacg (available from v3.3.0)
# run only the 'types' task from the codeGen config
./bin/ --tasks types

# run the 'types' and 'types_puml' tasks from the codeGen config
./bin/ --tasks types types_puml

# delete all generated files from the repo
npm run clean

# generate all code
npm run codeGen

# count the lines of contained template code
npm run countTemplateLines

# count the lines of generated code
npm run countGeneratedLines

More information are here ...

Available Tasks

Name Description
types_puml generate PlantUml file from the used mode
types generate interfaces from the model
type_equal functions to test equality of objects
type_factories generate functions to create instances of the types
type_factories_tests generate tests for type factories
type_quards generate functions to validate types
type_guards_tests generate tests for type validation
types_random generate functions to create random data
types_random_tests generate tests for the random data functions
dao_uuid generates the functions to convert uuids
dao_uuid_tests generates the tests for the functions to convert uuids
dao_insert generates the functions to insert data into mongodb
dao_delete generates the functions to delete data from mongodb
dao_delete_tests generates the tests for the mongo delete functions
dao_update generates the functions to update data in mongodb
dao_update_tests generates the tests for the mongo update functions
dao_find generates the functions to query data from mongodb
dao_find_tests generates the tests for the mongo find functions


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