This project isn't done yet, and is currently in a non-functioning state. We are actively working on it though.
To compile a simple project, supply the orbc
compiler with all your files containing orb source code.
$ orbc ponder.orb foo.orb bar.orb
This will output an executable called ponder
, copying the first source file filename.
To specify the name of the output, supply the -o
flag, followed by the name of the output.
$ orbc ponder.orb foo.orb bar.orb -o baz
Here the output will be named baz
To install orbc, you will need to clone the repository and compile it yourself.
We use the meson
buildsystem, which you will need to have installed on your system.
$ git clone
$ cd orbc
Here llvm's clang and lld are used
$ export CC=clang; export CXX=clang++; export CC_LD=lld; export CXX_LD=lld
this can also be done, without exporting, in the next step: CC=clang CXX=clang++ meson setup ...
You can change the prefix to where you want orbc to be installed.
If left out it will default to /usr/local
and C:\
on Windows.
You can also change the buildtype if desired, for example to --buildtype debug
or --buildtype debugoptimized
$ meson setup builddir --prefix=$PWD/install
(If you wish for orbc
to not output any color, the flag -Dno-color=true
can be used)
$ meson compile -C builddir
Now the orbc
executable should be in ./builddir/orbc
$ sudo meson install -C builddir
Now orbc will end up in a bin
folder at the prefix specified in step 3. (If no prefix orbc will be at /usr/local/bin