VocabWar is a two-player word game where players battle using their vocabulary. To win you need to create more words than the opponent player in the given time limit using the letters we provide. The letters are randomly generated for each lobby and are the same for both the players.
- Synchronized timer for fair play
- Connected to dictionary API to check validity of words
- Authentication with Firebase
- Unique Code system for game lobbies
We are Team 16 Burnaby for Comp 2800 Summer 2021
First Name | Last Name | Student Number | |
Akshay | Marwah | amarwah4@my.bcit.ca | A01231710 |
Parth | Chaturvedi | pchaturvedi@my.bcit.ca | A01256537 |
Eric | Tan | etan32@my.bcit.ca | A01169127 |
Borivoj | Pantic | bpantic@my.bcit.ca | A01224754 |
holds the react apppublic
holds the HTML5 file to be server to the user along with faviconsrc
holds the main app component and other React componentsAPI
holds the API key for firebase appassets
holds media filesimages
holds image filessounds
holds sounds for the gamefont
holds fonts used in app
holds all components used in appAbout
- holds components reponsible for about sectionAuthentication
- holds components reponsible for authenticationGame
- holds components reponsible for game sessionLayout
- holds components reponsible for app layoutLeaderboard
- holds components reponsible for game leaderboardLobby
- holds components reponsible for game lobbySettings
- holds components reponsible for settingsUI
- holds common UI elements used in whole app
holds the selenium tests for the app
I. Clone the repository - Directory where you want to clone
git clone https://github.com/ParthCv/COMP-2800-Team-BBY-16-VocabWar.git
II. Install client dependencies
cd client
npm install
III. Start React App at http://localhost:3000/
cd client
npm start
IV. Build for Production
cd client
npm run build
Technologies that were used for this project:
VocabWar requires the use of few APIs to funtion properly but they will be installed when Development Environment is set up properly.
Any IDEs that can modify HTML, CSS, JavaScript. For the most optimized experience, Visual Studio Code is preferred.
The testing for the app has been in two ways
- Manual Testing
- Selenium IDE extension (.side included under tests directory)
To check the test plan and results click here.
- You need to contact us at amarwah4@my.bcit.ca to get permission to access firestore databaseNetlify
- Permission can be granted by providing your email