This file is going to walk you through few steps that will help you create a 2D Map in ROS using a 2D LiDAR and an odometry sensor.
You need to have the following packages in ROS:
Documentation for using a Hokuyo LiDAR can be found here:
Documentation for using Odometry sensor can be found here:
In the file stfm.launch, You will have to add the static transorms between various frames of your robot as per your setup.
Step 1 : Connect your LiDAR and launch the file stfm.launch
$roslaunch stfm.launch
Step 2 : Connect the odometry sensor and start publishing the transorm between base_link and odom on topic /tf
Step 3 : We will use gmapping to publish the transform between odom and map frame.
$rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=scan
Step 4 : Open rviz and add map and tf
You will be now able to see a map being created as you move the robot.