Related to quantum gradients and autodifferentiation
More advanced issues participating in PennyLane: Code Together
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Run the full test-suite on the pull request
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Discussion and improvements to code quality
Issues participating in PennyLane: Code Together
Related to QNode collections
Core functionality (Operations, QNodes, CircuitGraphs)
Pull requests that update a dependency file
Deprecating an API or user-facing feature/behaviour
Device or plugin API related
Requiring extra discussion
Do not merge the pull request until this label is removed
Documentation changes and updates
This issue or pull request already exists
PRs where the author is not a part of PennyLane Org (or part of external contributors team)
Participating in Hacktoberfest event
Hacktoberfest not merged but in a good shape
Extra attention is needed
Classical machine-learning interfaces
Good for familiar developers
This includes changes to `qml.labs` source code
A PR that is ready to go, but will be merged at a later time
All tests pass and the PR is ready to be merged.