SwiftUI Component for show Wavefront objects with MetalApi.
Object & Camera eurlers and position can be manipulated with a single variable.
Ready for basic showcase features like spin clockwise with desired speed.
(⌥ + left click) on Component to see all details
-> CPU %10-%20 Improvement 👍
-> Memory %10 Improvement 👍
MetalicShowcase(name: "cube")
.rotationDirection(.clockwise, speed: 1.0)
File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency: https://github.com/Portles/MetalicShowcase
Always use Color RGB for textures! Name same object files with same name!
├── ...
├── object # Object directory
│ ├── cube.obj # Wavefront Object File (.obj)
│ ├── cube.mtl # Material Library File (.mtl)
│ ├── cube.png # Texture File (.png)
└── ...