Script to send a message to a discord channel every new game that finished in HLL, working with Maresh HLL_RCON
Dependencies: Clone this repo where this scoreboard_bot is cloned
git clone
Edit to add your parameters, at least the discord token but the recommended are the following variables:
SERVER_URL="" #url to your normal url rcon, it will use the api of the score section which is public and display that
SERVER_NAME=Server1 #It will be the name of the user that posts the message
WEBHOOK= #the webhook that you got from creating the integration of the channel in your discord
How to run: if you configured all variables above you can just run it alone without parameters, and because it only allows 1 server per run, you can use parameters for the rest of the servers
./scoreboard_bot/ -s Server2 -u https://my.second.rcon.url