- 🎉 Powered by React & Redux Toolkit
- ✅ Typescript
- 📦 PWA
- 📢 Notification by firebase
- Host your own Voce server (docker image): Run on x86_64 platform:
docker run -d --restart=always \
-p 3000:3000 \
--name vocechat-server \
For more server hosting instructions, see our documentation: https://doc.voce.chat/
official site: https://voce.chat
live demo: https://privoce.voce.chat/
demo API Docs (Swagger): https://dev.voce.chat/api/swagger
design: https://www.figma.com/file/EHnNr53kNmDWgUT86It6CH/UI
text editor: https://plate.udecode.io/docs/installation
markdown editor: https://nhn.github.io/tui.editor/latest/
redux: @reduxjs/toolkit
indexDB wrapper: https://github.com/localForage/localForage
git clone https://github.com/Privoce/vocechat-web vocechat-web
cd vocechat-web & yarn install
yarn start
- VS Code Editor Recommended
- VS Code plugins:
- dbaeumer.vscode-eslint: ESLint
- esbenp.prettier-vscode: Prettier
- dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets: Extensions for React, React-Native and Redux in JS/TS with ES7+ syntax
Discuss collaboration: han@privoce.com or https://bridger.chat/han
Telegram group: https://t.me/opencfdchannel VoceChat: https://voce.chat
Telegram channel: https://t.me/vocechat_group VoceChat Channel: https://privoce.voce.chat