is a standard library of tools for use in AleoHQ
To use this crate to your repository, add the following to your Cargo.toml
version = "1.0.1"
fn foo() {
// Prints the CPU name.
println!("{:?}", aleo_std::get_cpu());
use aleo_std::prelude::*;
fn foo() {
// Prints the Aleo directory.
println!("{:?} exists: {:?}", aleo_dir(), aleo_dir().exists());
// Prints the Aleo ledger directory in production mode.
println!("{:?} exists: {:?}", aleo_ledger_dir(2, StorageMode::Production), aleo_ledger_dir(2, StorageMode::Production).exists());
use aleo_std::prelude::*;
fn foo() -> u32 {
// Insert expensive operation
1 + 1
use aleo_std::prelude::*;
fn foo(y: i32) -> i32 {
let mut x = 1;
let d = 1_000;
x += d;
x += y;
fn main() {
use aleo_std::prelude::*;
fn foo() -> u32 {
// Start the timer.
let timer = timer!("Arithmetic");
// Insert expensive operation
let x = 1 + 1;
// Print the elapsed time up to this point.
// Insert expensive operation
let y = 1 + 1;
// Print the total time elapsed.
x + y