is a full C# rewrite of Ambermoon and will run at least on Windows, Linux and Mac.
Version 1.10.6 is the most recent version from March 2nd, 2025. It includes original version 1.19 and also Ambermoon Advanced 1.31.
You can also download the game on my website at!
Platform | Download 1.10.6 |
Windows 64bit | Link |
Linux 64bit | Link |
Mac 64bit (Intel processor) | Link |
Mac 64bit (ARM processor, M1, M2, etc) | Link |
Windows 32bit | Link |
Problems? The FAQ might help.
Other platforms like Android, iOS or Raspberry Pi4 might follow later.
If you are interested in the original Amiga game files you can find them here: I released some new versions and patches of the original game files there as well.
A completely new game extension was also released called Ambermoon Advanced. Check it out!
- Map
- Rune Table
- German Manual / Handbuch Deutsch
- English Manual
- English Amiga Walkthrough by Michael Böhnisch (1999)
- Tools
- (English) New to Ambermoon? Please have a look here.
If you have questions feel free to ask via email, on Twitter or here on GitHub on the issues page. Some more info follows below as well. - (German) Du kennst Ambermoon noch nicht? Schau bitte hier.
Wenn du Fragen hast, meld dich einfach per Email, auf Twitter oder hier auf GitHub unter Issues. Weiter unten gibt es auch noch einige Infos.
I appreciate all kind of support for this project. If you want to donate to help increase my motivation and allow me to spend more time developing this Ambermoon project and similar projects like a 3rd part of the trilogy or map and character editors, you can do so here. \
Buy me a coffee
Thank you very much.
I will also post updates about releases and interesting stuff on twitter:
Please also have a look here.
Key | Description |
Up or W | Move up (2D) or forward (3D) |
Down or S | Move down (2D) or backward (3D) |
Left or A | Move left (2D) or turn left (3D) |
Right or D | Move right (2D) or turn right (3D) |
F11 | Toggle fullscreen mode |
ESC | Close ingame windows, stop item dragging/specific cursors/etc |
Num1-Num9 | Action buttons 1-9 (button panel in the lower right corner) |
1-6 | Set party member 1-6 as active |
F1-F6 | Open inventory of party member 1-6 |
Ctrl + 0-9 | Quicksave into save slot 1-10 (0 saves into slot 10) |
PrintScreen or Ctrl + P | Saves a screenshot to the folder "Screenshots" next to the program (or in config folder if you have no permissions to write there) |
- On portrait will select the party member as the active one.
- Drag&drop of items.
- On map center (Zzz) it will wait for 5 minutes.
- All kinds of interactions and selections.
- On portrait will open the inventory.
- On buttons in map view will toggle between move arrows and actions.
- In 2D map view will show a crosshair cursor which can be used for interactions. Or it aborts an already active action cursor.
- In 3D map view:
- On the corners (turn arrows) it will perform 90° or 180° rotations.
- On the center (Zzz) it will trigger interactions with a nearby map object.
- On item it will pickup all the items without asking for the amount.
- When dragging an item it will reset the item back to its source slot.
- Scrolling the wheel on 2D maps changes the cursor.
- Clicking the wheel or middle mouse button on 2D maps will show the crosshair or mouth cursor.
- If a scrollbar is present, it can be controlled by the mouse wheel as well. can be configured ingame but also via a configuration file. See Configuration for more details.
You can find the full changelog here. You can also look at the releases. They have more details in general.
You can use your own music with Ambermoon (e.g. the Atari music or the remixes from Matthias Steinwachs). For more details read here.
I also provide the Atari tracks here. Just extract the mp3 to a folder called "music" next to the main executable to enjoy the music. Note that not all tracks were converted to Atari so only 13 out of 32 tracks are available.
Special thanks to my top patreons and github sponsors:
- Philip Breitsprecher
- Mike Valtix
- Sebberick
- Thomas Ritschel
- Tschorle
- Daniel Egger
- Kaspar
- NeXuS-Arts
- timbo t
- Other Retro Matt
- Anton Huber
- Lars
- Robin Mattheussen
- giom
- Levidega
- Lorenz P.
- LoneRaider
- MD
- Unreality
- Milan
- Peter Holtgrewe
- frostworx
- meok meok
- Martin Tramm
- Stay Forever
- Alexander Holland
- Stephan Mankie
- André Wösten
- Benno
- orgi
- JR_Riketz
- Wolfgang
- Sprudel
- Benjamin Ziebert
- David Geiger
- skobry
- crediar
- AMike
- soulsuckingjerk
- Mahen
- Teladi
Special thanks to some special contributors and testers as well:
- kermitfrog
- a1exh (Alex Holland)
- Metibor
- Thallyrion
- Uukrull
- Nephilim
- skdubg
- crediar
- nicode
- Jurie Horneman
- dlfrsilver and CFOU! (French translation)
- galon3 (Polish translation)
- Czudak (App icon, suggestion for a patreon page)
Checkout my already working 'SerfCity (Die Siedler) rewrite' at
I also created another github project called Ambermoon for providing resources and research the game data. Feel free to have a look or contribute.
And I work on a huge extension of Ambermoon called Ambermoon Advanced.