A collection of Newton-type optimization algorithms.
Authors: Cooper Simpson
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for the full text.
This repository can be cited using the GitHub action in the sidebar, or using the metadata in CITATION.cff
. See Publications for a full list of publications related to R-SFN and influencing this package. If any of these are useful to your own work, please cite them individually.
A Julia implementation of the R-SFN algorithm: a second-order method for unconstrained non-convex optimization. To that end, we consider a problem of the following form
This package can be installed just like any other Julia package. From the terminal, after starting the Julia REPL, run the following:
using Pkg
This will install the package and its direct dependencies, but in order to use the package you must install one of the following sets of packages for automatic differentiation (AD):
To test the package, run the following command in the REPL:
using Pkg
Pkg.test(test_args=["optional specific tests"])
Load the package as usual:
using QuasiNewton
which will export the struct RSFNOptimizer
and the minimize!
function. Then load your AD packages, which will export a subtype of HvpOperator
. Say you load Enzyme:
using Enzyme
then the EHvpOperator
will be available.
Let's look at a two dimensional Rosenbrock example:
function rosenbrock(x)
res = 0.0
for i = 1:size(x,1)-1
res += 100*(x[i+1]-x[i]^2)^2 + (1-x[i])^2
return res
rsfn!(zeros(2), rosenbrock, mode=:EigenSolver, itmax=15)
rsfn!(zeros(2), rosenbrock, mode=:LanczosFA, itmax=15)
rsfn!(zeros(2), rosenbrock, mode=:GLKSolver, itmax=15)
title = {{Regularized Saddle-Free Newton: Saddle Avoidance and Efficient Implementation}},
author = {Cooper Simpson},
school = {Dept. of Applied Mathematics, CU Boulder},
year = {2022},
type = {{M.S.} Thesis}