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Releases: RSATom/WebChimera
Releases · RSATom/WebChimera
WebChimera v.0.2.9
WebChimera v.0.2.8
- libvlc v2.2.1 used
- (QML) added argument to stateChanged signal
- (JS) added argument to .MediaPlayerStateChanged event
- (QML) takeSnapshot( qmlItem ) global function and snapshotReady( snapshot ) global signal added
WebChimera v.
- Mac build
WebChimera v.0.2.7
- "setting" playlist item property fixed
WebChimera v.0.2.6
- (QML) goHome() global function added
- play next playlist item if current playing item removed
- (QML) "platform" global property added
- X11: fullscreen mode added
- (JS) .MediaPlayerStateChanged event added
- QtQuick.Controls module embedded
- Mac: deadlock on .stop() fixed
- (QML, JS) move playlist item setting out from libvlc
- (JS) .audio.MuteChanged event added
- (QML) VlcAudio::muteChanged signal added
- (JS) .audio.VolumeChanged event added
- (QML) VlcAudio::volumeChanged signal added
- (QML) VlcPlayer::volumeChanged signal added
- (QML) VlcPlaylist::add( VlcMediaDesc ) added
- Mac: mouse double click handling added
- Mac: fixed right/middle button handling
- Mac: notify about fullscreen mode changes
WebChimera v.0.2.5
- (QML) toUtf8( srting data, string encoding ) global function added
- (QML) QtQuick.Controls module embedded
- (JS) "hw-accel" startup property fixed
- (QML) VlcPlayer.swap( VlcPlayer player ) added
- (QML) VlcSubtitle.load( url ) added
- (QML) VlcSubtitle.loadFromString( string subtitle, Type type ) added
- fixed Youtube links playback when there are more than one item in playlist
- Qt 5.4.1 used
WebChimera v.0.2.4
- Mac: fullscreen mode support added
- (QML, JS) .subtitle.delay rw property added
- (QML, JS) .audio.delay rw property added
- fixed .playlist.advanceItem(idx, count) with negative count values
- (Qml) mediaPlayerTimeChanged event argument renamed to 'time'
- Win.FBVLC.Windowed: fixed startup options load
- (JS) .QmlStringMessage( int type, string message ) event added
- (JS) .QmlNumberMessage( int type, int arg1, int arg2 ) event added
- (QML) fireQmlStringMessage( int type, string message ) global function added
- (QML) fireQmlNumberMessage( int type, int arg1, int arg2 ) global function added
- Win: fixed mouse events handling under Internet Explorer
- prepend path from process.cwd() to 'qmlsrc' if 'app://' protocol used under Node-Webkit/NW.js
- Win: don't allow screensaver or screen off when video is playing
WebChimera v.0.2.3
- Win: FBVLC compatibility mode fixed
- Mac: Fixed mouse events handling on Google Chrome
- (QML, JS) .playlist[].disabled rw property added
- (QML, JS) .playlist.advanceItem(idx, count) added
- Win: fixed focus lose on mouse click
- Win.FBVLC.Windowless: fixed aspect ratio issue when media width/height equal to output window width/height
WebChimera v.0.2.2
- Qt 5.4 used
- WebChimera for Mac OS X implemented (experimental)
- QtGraphicalEffects qml module added to distribution
- show background color while qml is loading
- added libvlc 2.1.5 workaround to fix mute on startup
- fix loop when there are only one item in playlist
- basic Node-Webkit support added (allow load local .qml files if "app:" protocol used)
WebChimera v0.2.0
- project got new homepage:
- API documentation now available:
- (JS) API made more consistent (look wiki)
- (JS, QML) more trusted options added(":rtsp-http-port", ":avformat-format=mxg", ":demux=h264", ":h264-fps" available)
- "application/x-fb-vlc" mime type support added with full support windowless and windowed modes (WebChimera could be used instead of FBVLC now)
- builded with Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition
- fixed background flickering on scrolling
- fixed issue with keyboard input
- (JS) fixed .playlist.items[n] on IE
- allow go to fullscreen to different screens
- fixed blank window with installation to path containing national characters
- (QML) VlcVideoSurface.fillMode added