I hereby present a treasure trove of resources covering various topics in mathematics and computer science, I have created and gathered during my studies at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology. Whether you're a student looking for study materials, or a curious mind eager to learn, you've come to the right place.
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Table of Contents
- Notes Repository 🚀
- 📊 Calculus I and Calculus II 📊
- 🤭 Discrete Mathematics 🤭
- 🧠 Computer architecture and Operating Systems (lab 5.5 - max) 🧠
- 😖 Probability and Statistics 😖
- ✉️ Databases ✉️
- 🤔 Algebra 🤔
- 🌌 Physics I 🌌
- Procedural Programming (lab 5.0 - max) in
- 💻 Object-Oriented Programming (lab 5.5 - max) 💻
- 📚 Logic and Formaltructures 📚
✨Full semester course notes✨ purely in LaTeX
is a must-have for any aspiring computer-scientist.
✨Long Cheatsheet✨
- Exercise Lists - Numerical operations for the architecture of computers.
- Lab List 1: 💡 A simple bootloader, 💡 Archlinux installation, Install XFCE on FreeBSD, About using jails, Debug xv6 kernel with gdb
- Lab List 2: How to use jobs in Bash, 💡 Redirect file descriptors of a running process with ptrace
- Lab List 3: ps clone (written in bash) using /proc/pid/stat, expr and ANSI interpreter for xv6, 💡 Bash Labirynth Game (Generated with DFS)
- Lab List 4: 💡 create own SHELL, write a syscall for xv6
- Lab List 5: Hex Converter (x86 NASM), Prime Number Sieve (x86 NASM), 💡 Mode 13 Bare Metal mandelbrot Set Display (x86 NASM) (Showcase Screenshot)
✨Long Cheatsheet✨
- See notes.pdf (polish)
- See various exercises
- MariaDB on Docker Compose with init.sql
- MariaDB Backups with mariadb-dump
- MariaDB Backups with mariabackup
- See Groups, Rings and Complex Numbners (polish) - partial lecture notes
- See Linear Algebra (polish) - pre-exam repetition
- See Algebra 2 notes (english) - definitions and theorems
- See Algebra 2 mini notes (polish) - definitions
Algebra-related programs:
Cn Addition table -
$C_n: a + b \mod n$ -
Zn Addition & Multiplication table -
$Z_n: a + b, a * b \mod n$ -
Euclidean Algorithm -
$gcd(a, b)$ -
Extended Euclidean Algorithm -
$ax + by = \gcd(a, b)$ -
An extravagant function analysis - analysis of
$f(n)=\left|{(a,b) \mid 1 \leq a,b \leq n, \gcd(a,b)=1}\right| \cdot n^{-2}$ - RSA Algorithm Exponent Brute-Forcer - Crack RSA exponent
Mastering the art of object-oriented programming in C++
and Java
(help me). Exercises:
- Exercise List 1 - Prime Number Generator
- Exercise List 2 - Pascal Triangle Row Generator
- Exercise List 3 - Figure Generator
- Exercise List 4 - Java Simple GUI
- Exercise List 5 - Java Figure "Paint"
- Exercise List 6 - Java Threaded Tiles (Concurrent programming)
- Exercise List 7 - CLI for Binary Tree Search in Java and C++
- XOR Cipher - One time pad encryption, decryption, key generation and key swap.
Copyright 2024 © Rafał Włodarczyk