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AcePRbk edited this page Feb 3, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the DailyText-Voice wiki!#

DailyText-Voice app simply crawls the website for daily text string and reads out the daily text using android's tts.

DailyText-Voice was born per my personal problem of trying to read the daily text everyday from the jw library android app. It is so hard to ignore all the popping notifications on a typical geek's smartphone and read the daily text consistently every morning. So it started of as a soliloquy after field service on one hot Saturday afternoon :

"What if I could have a sticky notification with play and pause buttons in my notification bar that could read out the daily text to me each time I wanted throughout the day?"

This is why I wrote this simple app.It is most useful to me because I am able to read the daily text anytime without opening the JW library app.In the process,it became obvious some of my fellow christian brothers and sisters were facing similar problems.One brother actually plays this through his phone to his home audio system to the hearing of his family.Now that's some of the reasons I keep getting the app better.

Below is some screenshots as at February 3rd,2017 Home



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