The actual version Micronaut JMS core (3.1.0) have some bugs checking messageSelector, but someone already have done a pull request that I downloaded and compiled at "libs" directory
Micronaut SQS library is just an abstraction and quality life improvements from JMS Library.
In this example I created an SQS named "ticket_queue" (you can create by CLI or AWS Console), the tickets are published to an SQS queue and consumed in the listener.
Create an application yml (or .properties) structure containing your AWS Credentials and another information like database, jpa, etc.
Do login via CLI with "aws configure" terminal command
Now just run the application and hit the /tickets endpoint with a json like:
"price": 2.99,
"date": "2023-12-11 15:30:00",
"movieId": 1
But I haven't implemented movie's endpoint yet...