btrfs_exporter Public
Forked from Tuetuopay/btrfs_exporterPrometheus exporter for your slippery BTRFS filesystems
Python UpdatedMay 27, 2024 -
github-auth-generator Public
A JavaScript package, and CLI tool for generating various kinds of GitHub authentication tokens, from other kinds of authentication tokens.
CV Public
Github recommended tripping-octo-spice, but CV is more descriptive
react-snap Public
Forked from stereobooster/react-snap👻 Zero-configuration framework-agnostic static prerendering for SPAs
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 12, 2024 -
jwt-middleware Public
Forked from agilezebra/jwt-middlewareTraefik Middleware Plugin for Dynamic JWT Validation
Go Other UpdatedDec 24, 2023 -
whisper Public
Forked from openai/whisperRobust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 22, 2023 -
import-trello-github Public
Quick and dirty import Trello into GitHub issues
A state machine for members according to the Victorian model rules for an incorporated association
JavaScript UpdatedMar 21, 2021 -
r-docker-example Public
Less of an example like "this is what you should do" more a question "is this what you should do?"
Dockerfile UpdatedFeb 2, 2021 -
homebrew-cask Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-cask🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
Ruby BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedAug 14, 2020 -
ecs-workspace Public
Fargate bastion in AWS equipped with DevOps helper tools
Dockerfile UpdatedJun 2, 2020 -
aio_task_bound_context Public
Context manager that provides a means for context to be set, and retrieved in Python AsyncIO
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 15, 2019 -
logstash-output-awslogs Public
Logstash output plugin that writes events to AWS CloudWatch logs
webhook.site.Docker Public
Forked from da-n/webhook.site.DockerThis is a Dockerfile for webhook.site, an API and frontend to test your webhooks.
Dockerfile UpdatedAug 1, 2018 -
Adds the favicons-webpack-plugin to a react-app-rewired config
react-app-rewired Public
Forked from timarney/react-app-rewiredOverride create-react-app webpack configs without ejecting
HTML MIT License UpdatedMay 16, 2018 -
iam-to-ses Public
Generate SES SMTP password from an IAM secret access key
Python UpdatedApr 23, 2018 -
i-want-fibre Public
Chrome extension for checking NBN status on REA property listings