A shiny GUI app used to compute and visualize soil-water balance and wet-season calendar parameters. The app computes and integrates daily potential evapotranspiration (PET) into a daily soil-water balance model to estimate the calendar of a wet-season for agricultural applications.
You can install the development version of AquaBEHERgui from GitHub with:
Install R and the required packages:
R >= 3.6
R packages: devtools, shiny,
To install the above packages, in the R console, run:
# Get devtools package:
# Install the development version of AquaBEHERgui from [GitHub](https://github.com/RobelTakele/AquaBEHERgui):
To launch the App on your computer:
To launch th App directly hosted from GitHub repo:
shiny::runGitHub("AquaBEHERgui", "RobelTakele")
The AquaBEHERgui app is licensed under the CC BY 4.0. See LICENSE for details.
The AquaBEHERgui app is maintained by The Center of Plant Sciences Group at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy.
The Center of Plant Sciences Group is a geographically and culturally diverse research team working on climate and crop genetics at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy.
You can contact us sending an email to Matteo Dell'Acqua (mailto:m.dellacqua@santannapisa.it) or Mario Enrico Pe` (mailto:m.pe@santannapisa.it). You can also visit the crop genetics (http://www.capitalisegenetics.santannapisa.it/) web page.
We are committed to the free software and FAIR principles. This set of repositories collects our latest developments and provide reusable code.