This repository is the PyTorch implementation of our paper HANet.
Python 3 and PyTorch 1.6.
# clone the repository
git clone
cd HANet
Provided annotations and pretrained features on MSRVTT and VATEX video captioning datasets can be downloaded from OneDrive (code: hanet) or Baidu Netdisk (code:d2gr).
- groundtruth: annotation directory
- noun_gt.json; verb_gt.json; noun_gt_all.json; verb_gt_all.json
- ref_captions.json: dict, {videoname: [sent]}
- sent2rolegraph.augment.json: {sent: (graph_nodes, graph_edges)}
vocabularies: annotation/RET directory int2word.npy: [word] word2int.json: {word: int}
data splits: public_split directory trn_names.npy, val_names.npy, tst_names.npy
Resnet152 and I3D features are used for MSR-VTT and VATEX respectively. These features are extracted by the authors of hgr and vatex, thanks for their wonderful work!
- mean pooling features: ordered_feature/MP directory
format: np array, shape=(num_fts, dim_ft) corresponding to the order in data_split names
- frame-level features: ordered_feature/SA directory
format: hdf5 file, {name: ft}, ft.shape=(num_frames, dim_ft)
We provided concept vocabulary. If you want to generate concept vocabularies for new datasets, please follow the following instructions.
- generate concepts and compute frequencies:
cd data
python ref_caption_file trn_name_file
- generate concept labels:
python trn_name_file
We provided constructed role graph annotations. If you want to generate role graphs for new datasets, please follow the following instructions.
- semantic role labeling:
python misc/ ref_caption_file out_file --cuda_device 0
- convert sentence into role graph:
cd misc
jupyter notebook
# open parse_sent_to_role_graph.ipynd
# setup config files
# you should modify data paths ==> data/msrvtt/model.json and data/msrvtt/path_msr.json
cd t2vretrieval/driver
# training
python ../../data/msrvtt/model.json ../../data/msrvtt/path.json --load_video_first --is_train --resume_file ../../data/msrvtt/
# inference
python ../../data/msrvtt/model.json ../../data/msrvtt/path.json --load_video_first --eval_set tst
# setup config files
# you should modify data paths ==> data/vatex/model.json and data/vatex/path.json
cd t2vretrieval/driver
# training
python ../../data/vatex/model.json ../../data/vatex/path.json --load_video_first --is_train --resume_file ../../data/vatex/
# inference
python ../../data/vatex/model.json ../../data/vatex/path.json --load_video_first --eval_set tst
If you use this code as part of any published research, we'd really appreciate it if you could cite the following paper:
title={HANet: Hierarchical Alignment Networks for Video-Text Retrieval},
author={Wu, Peng and He, Xiangteng and Tang, Mingqian and Lv, Yiliang and Liu, Jing},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.12059},
Our code is based on the implementation of hgr cvpr2020.