This project intends to develop an omnidirectional robot car with stereo vision camera and solid state lidar sensor. It will further explore SLAM, RL based control, and autonomous driving stack. The first goal is to add ROS2 based control to the raspberry pi controlled robot car.
NOTE: Limitations of Arduino Nano. STL libraries of C++ do not work on Arduino Nano.
- IMU sensor callibration and data modeling (In-Progress)
- IMU, wheel torque-based RL agent to control the Robot.
- Semantic segmentation.
- Camera Calibration.
- Stereo SLAM.
- Motion Planning Stack for AV.
- Blogs on Microros, IMU data calibration.
[1] Wang, S. L. "Motion Control and the Skidding of Mecanum-Wheel Vehicles." IJISET-International J. Innov. Sci. Eng. Technol 5.5 (2018): 75-82.