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Adrian Hintze edited this page May 4, 2017 · 9 revisions

Issues are a way to comunicating to Snapp's author bugs found in the software and improvements that one would like to see in it.

To find out which issues are open, or create a new one, use GitHub's issue tracker.
Please try to avoid opening duplicated issues (use the search bar).

If for some reason you don't own a GitHub account and cannot, or want not to, open one, you can contact the author using the email address found in the wiki's footer. But please, try to use GitHub if possible.

Opening a new issue

If you are going to open a new bug issue please do the following:

  • Describe exactly what the problem is and what actions lead to it
  • Make clear which Snapp version you are using
  • Make clear which operating system you are using, and its version
  • If the problem happens in the browser make clear which one you are using, and its version
  • Make clear which options you are using when submitting a Snap project
  • If you have problems with a particular Snap project please attach its source code (the .xml file you are submitting to Snapp)
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