is a command-line tool that simplifies the management of environment variables using profiles. It allows you to create, edit, list, view, and delete different sets of environment variables, streamlining your workflow when working on multiple projects or environments.
Note: This tool is currently only available on Linux systems. Support for macOS and Windows is coming soon.
- Profile Creation: Easily create new environment variable profiles.
- Profile Editing: Edit existing profiles using a user-friendly text-based editor.
- Profile Listing: View a summary of available profiles, including the number of entries and last modification time.
- Profile Viewing: Inspect a profile's content with syntax highlighting in a read-only viewer.
- Profile Deletion: Remove profiles that are no longer needed.
- Interactive Interface: Provides a smooth text-based interface for managing profiles.
- Load profiles and environment variables to session.
- Add Comments to code.
- Add support for exporting and importing/exporting profiles.
- Implement Encrypted profiles.
curl -L http://envman.devh.in/install | bash
❯ envman -h
envman v0.1.0
envman [command] [flags]
Available Commands:
init Initialize envman in your shell
profile Manage environment profiles
load Load a profile into the current shell
Profile Subcommands:
create Create a new environment profile
edit Edit an existing environment profile
show Display profile contents
delete Delete an environment profile
list List all available profiles
# Initialize envman
$ envman init
# Profile Management
$ envman profile create server-test # Create new profile
$ envman profile list # List all profiles
$ envman profile show server-test # Show profile contents
$ envman profile edit server-test # Edit existing profile
$ envman profile delete server-test # Delete profile
# Load Profile
$ envman load server-test # Load profile into current shell
-h, --help Display help information
-v, --version Display version information
Quick Start Example:
To create a new profile named dev
envman profile create dev
To edit the newly created profile:
envman profile edit dev
To view all profiles:
envman profile list
To see the contents of a profile:
envman profile view dev
If you prefer to build envman
yourself, here are the instructions.
📋 Prerequisites:
- Go (version 1.20 or later)
Build Steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/s4tyendra/envman.git cd envman
- Build the binary:
go build -o envman main.go
- (Optional) Install the binary to
:sudo cp envman /usr/local/bin
System Requirements:
- Any system with Go support
For those interested in contributing to envman
, here's how to set up the development environment.
Development Environment Setup:
- Ensure that Go is installed and properly configured.
- Clone the repository as described in the "Building from Source" section.
Build Commands:
go build -o envman main.go
Test Commands:
Currently, no automated testing is implemented, but we encourage manual testing of new features and bug fixes.
Directory Structure Overview:
├── main.go # Main entry point of the application
├── helpers.go # Helper functions and initial setup
├── models.go # Definitions of app's data structures
├── outputs.go # Constants and formatted output strings
├── profile_create.go # Profile creation logic
├── profile_delete.go # Profile deletion logic
├── profile_edit.go # Profile editing logic
├── profile_list.go # Profile listing logic
├── profile_view.go # Profile viewing logic
We welcome contributions to envman
! Here's how you can help:
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Make your changes on your fork.
- Submit a pull request with a clear description of your changes.
Code Style Guidelines:
- Adhere to standard Go coding conventions.
- Provide descriptive commit messages.
Issue Reporting:
- Report bugs, propose feature requests, or ask questions in the issues.
- Include steps to reproduce any bugs.
Pull Request Process:
- Keep pull requests focused on single issues or features.
- Provide detailed description about the changes you made.
- Respond to any review comments in a timely manner.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.