Website β’ Documentation
Providing a visual analytics front-end with rich information about the health and performance of Dex on Evmos ecosystem - Powered by Evmos x Covalent.
Web3 has changed the way we can interact with money by introducing decentralized finance (DEFI). Decentralized finance provides users with a range of financial services similar to traditional financial industries such as banking, loaning, insurance, and trading without the need to rely on centralized entities. DEX (decentralized exchange) is one of the popular financial services emerging on the web3 ecosystem, a DEX is an exchange where users trade directly from their own wallets, where you can pay money from one currency to buy money for another.
DEX uses Automated Market Makers (AMMs), that allows users to swap tokens on DEX, by paying money from one currency to buy money for another eg. using US dollars stable coin (USDC) to buy Ethereum tokens (ETH). AMMs are protocols for DEXs that help give you the price between these two assets when you swap tokens. AMMs usually rely on a mathematical formula to price assets. Currently, there are different formulas that AMMs use however, the most fundamental and most well-known formula is the XY=K equation. XY=K is an equation you use for determining how much of one token, called X, is needed to swap for another token, called Y, in any DEX.
- For the success of a DEX protocol, running on an XY=K engine, a visual analytics front-end dashboard is needed to provide users with rich information about the health and performance of that ecosystem. Emvos is a fast growing ecosystem with a decentralized exchange built in the ecosystem, thus we approach to solve the problem by providing EddAlytics - Evmos Dex Dashboard Analytics.
- Introducing Covalent, they built XY=K: the suite of Class B, generalized UniswapV2-like endpoints in their unified API for exchange on various blockchains. They introduced these endpoints to provide you with the richest and most robust on-chain DEX data and allow you to retrieve all the required data for any UniswapV2-like protocol such as SpiritSwap and SushiSwap on a variety of blockchains by simply providing the name of the exchange and the correct chainID for the blockchain. As a result, these endpoints enable you to access any DEX-related protocol in a matter of minutes - Awesome right! π
Building Framework: Nextjs -Next.js is an open-source web development framework created by Vercel enabling React-based web applications with server-side rendering and generating static websites
- 1. Mantine - Build fully functional accessible web applications faster than ever
- 2. Chakra-ui - Create accessible React apps with speed
React-Query - Fetch, cache and update data in your React and React Native applications all without touching any "global state".
Recharts - A composable charting library built on React components
Backend Covalent - One unified API, One billion possibilities, Covalent provides a unified API bringing visibility to billions of Web3 data points.
Unstoppable domain to login users: Unstoppable domain - Login with Unstoppable build a universal Web3 login that authenticates your users.
Hosting Platform: Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
- Add more DEX protocol on Evmos mainnet
- Add wallet portfolio page to display users assest
- Add filter button on the chart to filter between 7 day - 30 days
- As the Project scales with usage - contact Covalent for updates to increase rate Limits
- Fully mobile reponsive
- Adding more customizable components
- clone the repo with the following git command:
git clone
- open a terminal in the root directory of the project and run:
npm install
to install all the package dependencies for the project
Create a .env.local file in the root folder and populate it with the following variables, Get Api a key from Covalent
Finally, run the development server:
npm run dev
API method GET/v1/chains/status/
can be used to get information about chain statuse and blocked Signed at.
- note:
const chainStatus = data?.data?.items[25].synced_block_height
we the get the chain id of Evmos in array of objects π
const APIKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_COVALENTKEY;
export default function ChainStatus() {
// used React-Query to fetch Covalent API
const { data, error, isFetching } = useQuery(["chainStatus"], async () => {
const res = await fetch(
return res.json();
const chainStatus = data?.data?.items[25].synced_block_height;
const blockedSignedAt = data?.data?.items[25].synced_blocked_signed_at;
if (isFetching)
return "Loading..."
if (error) "error + messaage"
API XY=K method /v1/9001/xy=k/cronus/ecosystem/?&key=${APIKey}
can be used to get information on volume 7-30 days & liquidity 7-30 days
- notes: we simply provide the name of the exchange
and the correct chainID (9001 = Evmos_mainnet)/9001/
for the blockchain. Lastly your Api key from Covalent you provided on .env.local as a variables/?&key=${APIKey}
, as a result, these endpoints enable you to access any DEX-related protocol in a matter of minutes, cool hey π
const APIKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_COVALENTKEY;
export default function CronusOverview() {
// used React-Query to fetch Covalent API
const { data, error, isFetching } = useQuery(["cronusEco"], async () => {
const res = await fetch(
return res.json();
// Chart data for Evmos liquidity_chart_30d
const CronusLiquidity = data?.data?.items[0]
(item) => ({
X: moment(item.dt).format("MMM Do"),
Y: item.liquidity_quote,
// Chart data for Evmos volume_chart_30d
const CronusVolume = data?.data?.items[0] => ({
X: moment(item.dt).format("MMM Do"),
Y: item.volume_quote,
if (isFetching)
return "Loading..."
if (error) "error + messaage"
API XY=K method /9001/xy=k/diffusion/tokens
can be used to get information on tokens by price, volume, liquidity,
- notes: we simply provide the name of the exchange
and the correct chainID (9001 = Evmos_mainnet)/9001/
for the blockchain. Lastly your Api key from Covalent you provided on .env.local as a variables/?&key=${APIKey}
,as a result, these endpoints enable you to access any DEX-related protocol in a matter of minutes, Amazing rightπ
const APIKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_COVALENTKEY;
export default function CronusTokens() {
// used React-Query to fetch Covalent API
const { data, error, isFetching } = useQuery(["diffusionTokens"], async () => {
const res = await fetch(
return res.json();
const items2 = data?.data?.items;
if (isFetching)
return "Loading..."
if (error) "error + messaage"
API method /9001/xy=k/evmoswap/pools
can be used to get information on tokens by price, volume, liquidity,
- notes: we simply provide the name of the exchange
and the correct chainID (9001 = Evmos_mainnet)/9001/
for the blockchain. Lastly your Api key from Covalent you provided on .env.local as a variables/?&key=${APIKey}
,as a result, these endpoints enable you to access any DEX-related protocol in a matter of minutes, Super great!π
const APIKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_COVALENTKEY;
export default function EvmoswapPools() {
// used React-Query to fetch Covalent API
const { data, error, isFetching } = useQuery(["evmoswapPools"], async () => {
const res = await fetch(
return res.json();
const items = data?.data?.items;
if (isFetching)
return "Loading..."
if (error) "error + messaage"
API XY=K method /v1/9001/xy=k/evmoswap/tokens/address/0x181c262b973b22c307c646a67f64b76410d19b6b/transactions/
can be used to get transactions information on account address, which also includes these type of transactions eg. SWAP, ADD LIQUIDITY, REMOVE LIQUIDITY.
- notes: we simply provide the name of the exchange
and the correct chainID (9001 = Evmos_mainnet)/9001/
for the blockchain, and you will note that here we have account, an address, which represents evmoswap address - which will help us get all the transactions on this address. Lastly your Api key from Covalent you provided on .env.local as a variables/?&key=${APIKey}
,as a result, these endpoints enable you to access any DEX-related protocol in a matter of minutes, Nice!π - Development TIP! πββοΈ: when mapping through the data it comes in a decending list of array from old to new (old information on top of list and new information on the bottom), suggest you Use
on an Array in Reverse Order in JS :
const arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const mapReverse1 = arr
.map(element => {
return element;
console.log(mapReverse1); // ποΈ ['c', 'b', 'a']
const APIKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_COVALENTKEY;
export default function EvmoswapTransactions() {
// used React-Query to fetch Covalent API
const { data, error, isFetching } = useQuery(
async () => {
const res = await fetch(
return res.json();
const items = data?.data?.items;
if (isFetching)
return "Loading..."
if (error) "error + messaage"
Happy Hacking π