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Welcome to EncryptedSession

EncryptedSession is a drop-in alternative to the default Flask session cookie implementation, adding session data encryption to prevent sensitive session information from being leaked. See this blog for more details of how the default Flask session implementation works, but in brief the default implementation signs the session cookie to prevent tampering, but does not encrypt it. The result is that a user or man-in-the-middle agent who captures the session cookie can quite simply decode the session data to plain text. That makes a Flask session fundamentally dangerous for storing any sensitive or valuable information.

EncryptedSession provides a simple drop-in replacement for the default Flask session cookie mechanism, and encrypts the session information using AES-256. Encryption is done by the excellent PyCryptodome package, which is a fork and continuation of the original PyCrypto package.


  • Currently EncryptedSession only handles simple session variable types which are serializable using Python's JSON encoder, and the bytes type. If you need to store other types in your session then you will have to serialize/deserialize to/from string or bytes when reading or writing the session object.

Why use EncryptedSession rather than server-side session storage ?

The general rule is that to make your session data secure you should not pass it around in a cookie, since a cookie is by definition passed between the server and client, so can be captured along the way. The usual model for session storage is to use a unique session ID cookie as a server-side key. The server uses this key for lookup in a database, a key:value store such as Redis, or any other suitable mechanism. In this model the session data itself is kept on the server and never passed to the client.

However this approach imposes a requirement on the server for fast key:value storage. Although that can be implemented with an in-memory key:value dictionary within the Flask application, that means that session data is local to that server and will not be available to other servers that may be part of a redundant server setup or a server farm configuration. The same is true for the simplest case of a relational database running locally on the server, where session data stored in that database is only visible on that server. If you have a server running as part of a server farm this means that the load balancer must be configured for sticky sessions so that a client with a session on server 'A' is always routed to that server so that the session data is available.

An implementation such as EncryptedSession, where session data is bounced between the client and server in a cookie has the advantage that the session data is available on all servers as it is passed to the server with each HTTP request. Clearly it also has some disadvantages.

Why use server-side session storage instead ?

Firstly because of the insecurity of passing session data around in cookies, particular with the default Flask session cookie implementation. Even with the EncryptedSession implementation there is still the risk that someone who steals your secret encryption key can decrypt the session data, or that at some point an attack might be targeted at the encryption algorithm used.

Secondly because the session cookie increases the size of each HTTP request and response. How much depends on the size and nature of the session data, but if your application stores large data types in the session then passing that data across the network with every request is a very bad idea and server-side session storage is a much better option. However, for an application which stores a moderate amount of textual data the overhead of the session cookie may be acceptable.

Update Dec 2018 - "session replay" security risk An additional security risk of putting the session data in the session cookie is the danger of "session replay" attacks. If a valid session cookie is captured from a user's browser (it's visible in the browser's developer console) then that cookie can be copied to another machine and used in a rogue session at any time. Note that it does not help or mitigate this risk to clear the Flask session with session.clear(). That will return an empty session cookie in the response returned to the current user's browser, but the captured session cookie will still be valid as far as the server is concerned. In the traditional session model clearing a session will clear the session data on the server; a rogue party may have captured the session ID (key) from the browser, but it will be invalid as there is no corresponding server side session. However in the default Flask session model there is nothing on the server to delete or clear - the session data is all encapsulated in the session cookie.

Because of the above risk it is recommended that systems based on Flask which put sensitive information in the session should use something like Flask-FVSession instead, which allows the session data to be maintained on the server in a variety of key-value store types (Redis, Memcached, SQL database, simple file, and others).


EncryptedSession depends on PyCryptodome, so install that package for Python first:

pip install pycryptodome

then include in your project.


To replace the default Flask session cookie implementation with EncryptedSession you need to do only the following:

  • Generate a 32 byte encryption key
  • Import EncryptedSession into your application
  • Store the encryption key against the Flask app
  • Tell Flask to use the EncryptedSession implementation

Generate the encryption key

EncryptedSession requires a 32 byte (256 bit) encryption key, which can be generated using get_random_bytes() from Crypto.Random. From the Python command line:

>>> from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes

>>> key = get_random_bytes(32)

>>> print (key)

which will print a Python bytes which can be cut&pasted as your crypto_key value.

Importing EncryptedSession

from encrypted_session import EncryptedSessionInterface

Store the encryption key against the Flask app

The class first looks for the encryption key in the Flask app configuration under SESSION_CRYPTO_KEY:

app.config['SESSION_CRYPTO_KEY'] = b'\x8e;\xa9=\x11\xf7\r\xf9\x8d\x8a?\x1fM\xac\x94\xa8\xa2F]\x91s#Q\x07\x06\x99\xf2B\xab\x0c9S'

and falls back to app.crypto_key if the key is not in the app configuration:

app.crypto_key = b'\x8e;\xa9=\x11\xf7\r\xf9\x8d\x8a?\x1fM\xac\x94\xa8\xa2F]\x91s#Q\x07\x06\x99\xf2B\xab\x0c9S'

Note that EncryptedSession does not reuse the default session configuration properties app.config['SECRET_KEY'] and app.secret_key. This is to make it easier to switch between session cookie implementations.

Tell Flask to use the EncryptedSession implementation

Somewhere after the Flask app has been created:

app.session_interface = EncryptedSessionInterface()

and that's it.


  • Currently the implementation encrypts the session data using AES encryption in 'EAX' mode. This allows the receiver to detect unauthorized modification to the data, similarly to how itsdangerous is used for the default Flask session cookie implementation.

  • Session data is compressed using zlib (Python Standard Library) if larger than 1KB. This is done at the point where the session data is a JSON serialized copy of the session dictionary, on the grounds that textual data is likely to be more compressible. In practice this seems to result in 1KB of session data compressing down to about half that size.


Encrypted Flask session cookies







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