Neural network for multiclass classification created from scratch, built in Octave. For θ parameters optimization I have used fmincg function.
You need to install Octave or Matlab to use this software.
% load X, y variables; model = struct(); - you need to create struct where layers and parameters will be stored % addLayer(model, number of units, activation function reference) model = addLayer(model, size(X, 2), ''); - input layer (for input layer you do not specify activation function) model = addLayer(model, 25, @sigmoid); - hidden layer model = addLayer(model, 25, @sigmoid); - hidden layer model = addLayer(model, 2, @sigmoid); - output layer [model, cost] = trainNeuralNetwork(model, Xtrain, ytrain, lambda, number_of_iterations); predictions = predict(model, Xtest, ytest);
- Sigmoid
- Adam Bublavý - Initial work - Sangalaa
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.