- I'm in my third year of studying information systems and technologies at Kazan Federal University
- I'm currently studying in the core program at Backend Academy from Tinkoff
- I'm enrolled in the core program at School 21 from Sberbank
-Link Tracker a bot skeleton with network calls, HTTP clients, and a task scheduler for link checking. MVP supports message sending and user interaction
-Reflection Benchmark benchmark tests to measure performance of different method versions, focusing on nanosecond precision using specialized libraries
-Fractal Flame algorithm for generating fractal flame images using Chaos Game, with single-threaded and multi-threaded implementations
-Log Analyzer a tool to analyze NGINX logs, accepting file paths or URLs, optional time parameters, and output formats
-Maze Generator console app for generating mazes and finding paths, with visualization and support for varying complexities
-Hangman Game console-based Hangman game with word guessing, limited attempts, and visual feedback for incorrect guesses. Supports difficulty levels and word categories
-String Lib implementation of your own version of the string.h library
-Math Lib implementation of your own version of the math.h library
-Cat and Grep development of Bash utilities for working with text: cat, grep
-Ping Pong implementation of the game of ping pong