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SMAX for Python

Client side python library for the SMA Exchange (SMA-X) realtime structured database.

Version 1.0.6

Table of Contents


The SMA Exchange (SMA-X) is a high performance and versatile real-time data sharing platform for distributed software systems. It is built around a central Redis database, and provides atomic access to structured data, including specific branches and/or leaf nodes, with associated metadata. SMA-X was developed at the Submillimeter Array (SMA) observatory, where we use it to share real-time data among hundreds of computers and nearly a thousand individual programs.

SMA-X consists of a set of server-side LUA scripts that run on Redis (or one of its forks / clones such as Valkey or Dragonfly); a set of libraries to interface client applications; and a set of command-line tools built with them. Currently we provide client libraries for Python 3 and C/C++ (C99). This repository contains the Python 3 client libraries for SMA-X.

There are no official releases of smax-python yet. An initial 1.0.0 release is expected early/mid 2025. Before then the API may undergo slight changes and tweaks. Use the repository as is at your own risk for now.

Related links


There is a proper python package in this repo named "smax". You can use pip to install directly from the repo, which is useful if you just need to import the library for your own application. For development of this package, clone the repo and install with the editable flag.

Install with pip directly from github

pip install git+ssh://

Upgrade with pip directly from github

pip install git+ssh:// -U

Clone repo and install in editable mode

git clone
cd smax-python
pip install . -e

Set up redis server for local SMAX testing and development

That's it, you now have SMAX running locally.


The best place to find example usages is the unit tests (, but here are a few simple ones to help get you started.

Share/Pull roundtrip

  from smax import SmaxRedisClient

  smax_client = SmaxRedisClient("localhost") # Replace localhost with redis hostname or IP.
  value = 0.183
  table = "weather:forecast:gfs"
  key = "test_tau"
  smax_client.smax_share(table, key, value)
  result = smax_client.smax_pull(table, key)
  print(, result.type)


  from smax import SmaxRedisClient

  smax_client = SmaxRedisClient("localhost") # Replace localhost with redis hostname or IP.
  table = "weather:forecast:gfs"
  key = "test_array"

  # Share something, which send publish notifications automatically.
  value = [0.0, 1.12345, -1.54321, 100000.12345]
  smax_client.smax_share(table, key, value)

  # Wait for publish notifications.
  result = smax_client.smax_wait_on_any_subscribed()
  print(, result.type)

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