Collection of different problems on Data Structures and Algorithms - segregated topic-wise
Contains theories and programming questions related to fundamentals of data structures and algorithms Every topic is in sequence and has a separate folder. Within each folder, there are various sub-folders with theory and questions related to that topic All codes are written in Java programming language
Want to contribute ? If you found any typo / logical error / runtime error or you want to add another topic, feel free to create a pull request.
step 1: Fork this repository
step 2: Clone this to your local machine
step 3: Make a new branch
step 4: Make changes
step 5: Push it back to your repo
step 6: Click compare and pull request
step 7: Click create pull request
Nothing strict, just keep the indentation clean Use comments wherever necessary Follow folder and file structure Use appropriate variable names Thanks Happy Coding :)
Note - You might not find all the questions of the perticular data structure in the drop downs below because I am busy in coding part and other contributers are helping me with the README stuff. So if you are using some question and you don't find it in the drop-downs, feel free to make a PR and add that question. Feel asssured that every valid PR will be accepted.
Longest consecutive zero sum subarrayPrint intersection of two arrays
Print longest consecutive sequence of numbers
Print highest frequency of a number in an array
Print total amount of pairs of zeros
Print unique chars from string with duplicates