The data preparation code is included in the directory - DataPreparation
The following scripts should be run sequentially to finally generate data required to debias(fine-tuning) models and evaluate them.
- DataPreparation/ -> Retrieves raw reddit comments using query match (Target group words and attribute words)
- DataPreparation/reddit_data_process -> Processes the retrieved comments
- DataPreparation/reddit_data_phrases -> Generates phrases from processed Reddit comments
- Create manual bias annotations and generate file 'reddit_comments_gender_female_processed_phrase_annotated.csv'
- DataPreparation/ -> Extracts biased phrases and creates counter target data
- DataPreparation/ -> Creates train test split of biased phrases
- evaluation/ -> Removes outliers from test set and creates reduced test set
- DataPreparation/ -> Creates valid-test split of the reduced test set
- DataPreparation/ -> Creates counter target augmented data
- DataPreparation/ -> Creates counter attribute data
- DataPreparation/ -> Creates test files of counter attribute augmented data
The data generated as part of this is found in data/demographic and text_files/demographic directories, where 'demographic' is gender, orientation, race, religion1 or religion2. The txt files in folder text_files/ are used for train, validation and evaluation during fine-tuning the DialoGPT model using Debiasing methods.
A brief description of files in data/religion1 is:
- religion2_muslims.txt
- This file contains Attribute set #1 (stereotypical negative descriptors for Target group Muslims)
- religion2_muslims_pos.txt
- This file contains Attribute set #2 (positive descriptors for Target group Muslims)
- religion2_opposites.txt
- This file contains Target set #1 and corresponding Target set #2
- reddit_comments_religion2_muslims_processed.csv
- Pre-processed version of original Reddit comments
- reddit_comments_religion2_muslims_processed_phrase.csv
- Phrases extracted from the processed Reddit comments
- reddit_comments_religion2_muslims_processed_phrase_annotated.csv
- Manual bias annotations for Reddit comments and phrases
- reddit_comments_religion2_christians_biased_test_reduced.csv and reddit_comments_religion2_muslims_biased_test_reduced.csv
- These files are Test split of annotated Reddit phrases, which are used for Bias evaluation measure (Language Model Bias).
- reddit_comments_religion2_christians_biased_valid_reduced.csv and reddit_comments_religion2_muslims_biased_valid_reduced.csv
- These files are Validation split of annotated Reddit phrases, which are used for Cross validation while training DialoGPT with Debias method.
- reddit_comments_religion2_muslims_processed_phrase_biased_testset_neg_attr_reduced.csv and reddit_comments_religion2_muslims_processed_phrase_biased_testset_pos_attr_reduced.csv
- These files are test split of Reddit phrases used for Bias evaluation over contrasting Attributes for marginalised demographic.
Note: The unprocessed reddit comment files could not be uploaded to GitHub due to size constraints. Find it on
- This script performs Student t-test on the perplexity distribution of two sentences groups with contrasting targets. For example works on files: reddit_comments_religion2_christians_biased_test_reduced.csv and reddit_comments_religion2_muslims_biased_test_reduced.csv. Set variable 'REDUCE_SET' to remove outliers from target set. Unset variable ''REDUCE_SET' if you are already using reduced test set for input
- This script performs Student t-test on the perplexity distribution of two sentences groups with contrasting attributes. For example works on files: reddit_comments_religion2_muslims_processed_phrase_unbiased_testset_pos_attr_reduced.csv and reddit_comments_religion2_muslims_processed_phrase_biased_testset_neg_attr_reduced.csv. Set variable 'REDUCE_SET' to remove outliers from target set. Unset variable ''REDUCE_SET' if you are already using reduced test set for input
- Decoding/ -> Generates pre-trained model responses from a context
- Decoding/ -> Creates token ids of attribute words
- Decoding/ -> Creates token ids of target words
Find the code for Algorithm level and Data level debiasing and evaluation (Dialog State Tracking & Response Generation) of debiased model in forked repo: