For workflow examples (, please look at cinema-service repository:
- Docker
- Docker Compose (comes with docker desktop for Windows users)
- Java 21 (For Windows users if your IDE doesn't manage JDK versions, maybe you will need to change manually by environment variables JAVA_HOME or Path), like the example below:
more information about changing jdk versions in windows:
- Gradle (maybe your IDE has already installed it for you)
Just start by your IDE or run ./gradlew bootRun at root directory.
If you encounter some persisting errors trying to setup properly, probably the reasons are:
- Wrong Java Version at your Path or JAVA_HOME:
- Running at wrong order. The docker image need to be run first, the spring will fail on startup if it doesn't encounter the specified database available
To run the application using your IDE instead of the terminal, you will likely need to learn how to manage JDK versions within your IDE rather than changing environment variables
IntelliJ example: