select-undo is a Neovim plugin that enhances undo functionality by allowing users to undo changes selectively. Unlike the default undo command, which reverts changes sequentially, Select-Undo enables users to undo specific lines or partial selections without affecting the rest of the file.
• Persistent Undo: Ensures that undo history persists even after closing Neovim.
• Selective Line Undo: Undo only the changes within selected lines (gu).
• Partial Undo: Undo changes within a visual selection (gu).
• Visual Mode Integration: Works seamlessly with Neovim’s visual mode for intuitive selection-based undo.
• Customizable Keybindings: Default mappings are provided, but users can configure their own.
This is still in development phase
- If added a line in between two lines and reverted the line value is replaced by the very next line.
- If buffer is closed, undo doesnot work.
Using lazy.nvim
opts = {},
Using packer.nvim
use {
config = function()
Using vim-plug
Plug 'SunnyTamang/select-undo.nvim'
lua require("select-undo").setup()
Undo Entire Lines
1. Select multiple lines in Visual Mode (V or Shift + V).
2. Press gu to undo changes within the selected lines.
Undo a Partial Selection
1. Select part of a line in Visual Mode (v).
2. Press gu to undo only the selected portion.
Undo a Specific Line
1. Move to the line you want to undo.
2. Press gu to undo that specific line.
Customizing Mappings
You can override the default keybindings in the setup function:
line_mapping = "gU", -- Change line undo mapping
partial_mapping = "gCp" -- Change partial undo mapping
Default Settings
persistent_undo = true, -- Enables persistent undo history
mapping = true, -- Enables default keybindings
line_mapping = "gu", -- Undo for entire lines
partial_mapping = "gcu" -- Undo for selected characters -- Note: dont use this line as gu can also handle partial undo
Feel free to open issues or pull requests to improve the plugin. 🚀
This project is licensed under the MIT License.