SUIFontPicker is a small, fast, and easy to use framework for integrating UIKit’s UIFontPickerViewController
into your SwiftUI applications.
can be installed via the Swift Package Manager. Simply copy and paste this repo’s URL into your project’s Package.swift file.
If you wish to, you can simply drag the SUIFontPicker.swift
file from the Sources folder into your project.
can be presented as a sheet or any other way you’d present a View
. For example, you can bind a .sheet
modifier to a State variable and present the SUIFontPicker
sheet when the State variable switches to true.
The delegates have been wired up and so all you need to do is to call the closure which will return a UIFontDescriptor
. You can then convert this into a Font
or UIFont
using their respective descriptor initializers.
.sheet(isPresented: $isFontPickerPresented) {
SUIFontPicker { fontDescriptor in
customFont = UIFont(descriptor: fontDescriptor,
size: 18.0)
//customFont is of type UIFont
This framework was made super quickly and without much testing. Please feel free to contribute to this framework to make it better and to clean up the API design.