SwiftNIO-IRC is a Internet Relay Chat protocol implementation for SwiftNIO.
This module contains just the protocol implementation. We also provide:
- swift-nio-irc-client - a simple IRC client lib
- swift-nio-irc-webclient - a simple IRC webclient + WebSocket gateway based on this module,
- swift-nio-irc-eliza - a cheap yet scalable therapist,
- swift-nio-irc-server - a framework to build IRC servers, and MiniIRCd, a small sample server.
To get started with this, pull swift-nio-irc-server - a module to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.
NIOIRC is a SwiftNIO port of the Noze.io miniirc example from 2016.
An example Package.swift
importing the necessary modules:
// swift-tools-version:5.0
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "IRCTests",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/SwiftNIOExtras/swift-nio-irc.git",
from: "0.6.0")
targets: [
.target(name: "MyProtocolTool",
dependencies: [ "NIOIRC" ])
The IRC protocol is implemented as a regular
, similar to NIOHTTP1
It takes incoming ByteBuffer
data, parses that, and emits IRCMessage
Same the other way around, the user writes IRCReply
objects, and the handler renders such into ByteBuffer
To add the IRC handler to a NIO Channel pipeline:
import NIOIRC
bootstrap.channelInitializer { channel in
.add(handler: IRCChannelHandler())
.then { ... }
Brought to you by ZeeZide. We like feedback, GitHub stars, cool contract work, presumably any form of praise you can think of.