Title: Amazonian and Atlantic forest connections over time: bird lineages with disjunct distribution as models to test these connections
Compiled occurrence records for species. Here we'll use 2 workflows for this step:
Clean occurence (R base funtions)
- Remove wrong records
- Remove too old records
- Remove duplicates
- Specialist check
Climatic variables. We'll use two dataset of climatic variables.
- Paleoclim: http://www.paleoclim.org/ (The most complete and recent data with better resolution)
- Chelsa: https://chelsa-climate.org/
Exploratory data analysis
- Extract environmental values of points
- Build a principal component analysis (PCA)
- Select the most important variables for species
Niche analysis
- Niche similarity using humbolds package (https://github.com/jasonleebrown/humboldt)
Ecological Niche models using two different approaches and two different workflows
- modler package: using different algorithms to map niches suitability (https://github.com/Model-R , https://github.com/Model-R/modleR).
- ntbox package: using using ellipsoids to model niches suitability (https://github.com/luismurao/ntbox/)
- I need to study more this package (https://github.com/hannahlowens/nichevol)
Compiled sequences from genebank.... ??? Other sources ??
- Lipaugus vociferans
- Schiffornis tudina
- Xiphorhynchus guttatus
- Xiphorhynchus guttatoides
Phylogenetic tree...
- ML and Baeysian Trees (?)
- Molecular date (?)
- Biogeobears ?