ETH.STORE® is not made available for use as a benchmark, whether in relation to a financial instrument, financial contract or to measure the performance of an investment fund, or otherwise in a way that would require it to be administered by a benchmark administrator pursuant to the EU Benchmarks Regulation. Currently Bitfly does not grant any right to access or use ETH.STORE® for such purpose.
ETH.STORE (Ether Staking Offered Rate) represents the average financial return validators on the Ethereum network have achieved in a 24-hour period.
# build and install binary from source via go
go install -h
Usage of /bin/
-cons.address string
address of the conensus-node-api (default "http://localhost:4000")
-cons.timeout duration
timeout duration for the consensus-node-api (default 2m0s)
-days string
days to calculate for, format: "1-3" or "1,4,6"
-debug uint
set debug-level (higher level will increase verbosity)
-exec.address string
address of the execution-node-api (default "http://localhost:4000")
-exec.timeout duration
timeout duration for the execution-node-api (default 2m0s)
format output as json
-json.file string
path to file to write results into, only missing days will be added
print version and exit -cons.address="http://some-consensus-node:4000" -exec.address="http://some-execution-node:8545" -days="497-499"
day: 497 (2022-04-12 12:00:23 +0000 UTC), epochs: 111825-112049, validators: 341373, apr: 0.049083890, effectiveBalanceSumGwei: 10923834000000000, totalRewardsSumWei: 1468997980817000000000, consensusRewardsGwei: 1468997980817 (100%), txFeesSumWei: 0
day: 498 (2022-04-13 12:00:23 +0000 UTC), epochs: 112050-112274, validators: 342498, apr: 0.049011013, effectiveBalanceSumGwei: 10959834000000000, totalRewardsSumWei: 1471650879693000000000, consensusRewardsGwei: 1471650879693 (100%), txFeesSumWei: 0
day: 499 (2022-04-14 12:00:23 +0000 UTC), epochs: 112275-112499, validators: 343623, apr: 0.048898885, effectiveBalanceSumGwei: 10995834000000000, totalRewardsSumWei: 1473106903824000000000, consensusRewardsGwei: 1473106903824 (100%), txFeesSumWei: 0
# build and run docker-image and output json
git clone
docker build . -t
docker run --network=host -cons.address="http://some-consensus-node:4000" -exec.address="http://some-execution-node:8545" -days="0,10" -json
"day": "0",
"dayTime": "2020-12-01T12:00:23Z",
"apr": "0.1740251707100836",
"validators": "21062",
"startEpoch": "0",
"effectiveBalanceGwei": "673984000000000",
"startBalanceGwei": "674112000000000",
"endBalanceGwei": "674433342960701",
"depositsSumGwei": "0",
"consensusRewardsGwei": "321342960701",
"txFeesSumWei": "0",
"totalRewardsWei": "321342960701000000000"
"day": "10",
"dayTime": "2020-12-11T12:00:23Z",
"apr": "0.1622832991187628",
"validators": "29871",
"startEpoch": "2250",
"effectiveBalanceGwei": "955872000000000",
"startBalanceGwei": "960110038369385",
"endBalanceGwei": "960535030319235",
"depositsSumGwei": "0",
"consensusRewardsGwei": "424991949850",
"txFeesSumWei": "0",
"totalRewardsWei": "424991949850000000000"
# use pre-built docker-image and write into json-file
docker run --network=host gobitfly/ -cons.address="http://some-consensus-node:4000" -exec.address="http://some-execution-node:8545" -days="613" -json.file="./ethstore.json"
day: 613 (2022-08-06 12:00:23 +0000 UTC), epochs: 137925-138149, validators: 412063, apr: 0.044632337, effectiveBalanceSumGwei: 13185905000000000, totalRewardsSumWei: 1612377406889000000000, consensusRewardsGwei: 1612377406889 (100%), txFeesSumWei: 0
cat ./etsthore.json
"day": "613",
"dayTime": "2022-08-06T12:00:23Z",
"apr": "0.0446323368410803",
"validators": "412063",
"startEpoch": "137925",
"effectiveBalanceGwei": "13185905000000000",
"startBalanceGwei": "13899169115750451",
"endBalanceGwei": "13900781493157340",
"depositsSumGwei": "0",
"consensusRewardsGwei": "1612377406889",
"txFeesSumWei": "0",
"totalRewardsWei": "1612377406889000000000"