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Java App developed as part of the study Computer Science and Engineering - Course OOPP at TU Delft

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This README contains information about the description of the project, the team that contributed to the project and instructions on how to initialise and run the app on your local device. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at: Thank you and I hope you will enjoy the app!

Description of project

Talio is a project developed during the course CSE1105 - Object Oriented Programming Project offered by Technical Univeristy of Delft by OOPP Team 62 (class of 2023) composed by the developers presented in the next section. Talio is a task management app that allows the users to organize and prioritise their tasks in different boards and lists. It provides support for costumisation, keyboards shortcuts, protected boards, multi-user access, synchronization and admin management.

Group members

Profile Picture Name Email
Tebrean Andreea
Andrei Stefan
Cristian Toadere
Marin Perković
Alexandra Nicola

How to run it

  1. Clone the git repository on your device;
  2. Open the project in your preferred IDE;
  3. Run the main method in the Main class of the server package OR use this command in the terminal: ./gradlew bootRun
  4. Run the main method in the Main class of the client package using the following VM options: --module-path <path to JavaFX SDK> --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml OR use this command in the terminal: ./gradlew run
  5. The Talio application should now be running on your device.

Some useful things to know:

  • You can double-click on a color scheme (in the customization menu) to rename it.
  • You can join other people's servers by entering their address using the following pattern: <ip>:<port> (e.g.

How to contribute to it

  1. Clone the git repository on your device;
  2. Open the project in your preferred IDE;
  3. Create a new branch using the following naming convention: <your name>/<feature name>
  4. Make your changes;
  5. Commit your changes;
  6. Push your changes to the remote repository;
  7. Create a merge request to the main branch;
  8. Wait for the merge request to be approved;
  9. Merge the changes into the main branch.
  10. Delete the branch you created.
  11. Pull the changes from the main branch.
  12. Repeat steps 3-11.

Copyright / License

Alexandra Nicola, Andreea Tebrean, Andrei Stefan, Cristian Toadere, Marin Perković, Vasko V. Guenov


Java App developed as part of the study Computer Science and Engineering - Course OOPP at TU Delft







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