Having recently joined the NFT world by creating one piece at a time, i wanted to join the groups of people who minted full collections. After spending weeks creating my own character, creating a list of accessories and adornments, i set out to find a way to automate the generation of the images
This code generate all the possible unique variations, remove any instances that--though unique by attribute--is visually identical to another, then generate the final image, and output all relevant NFT info to .json files to be used in automating minting with your minting platform or code of choice.
Dotnetcore6 SDK https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/6.0 Image Magick
- Windows: https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php
- MAC:
brew install imagemagick
dotnet build
dotnet run
👤 CloudyOne (Adam Cloud)
- Website: https://teamofprogrammers.com
- Twitter: @cloudyone
- Github: @CloudyOne
- LinkedIn: @cloudyone
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