Packed with the latest commands, limitless features, etc.
Unleash the ultimate power of customization and automation like never before!
Follow these 4 straightforward steps to deploy HellBot on Heroku:
Fork & Star this Repo:
Heroku Account Login:
Ensure you are logged into your Heroku account before proceeding.
Click "Deploy to Heroku":
Find the "Deploy to Heroku" button below, and click it, but make sure you are deploying from your fork.
Fill Required Variables:
On the deployment page, you'll find necessary variables to be filled out.
That's it! You've successfully deployed HellBot on Heroku. Now scale dynos and start the bot!
Hellbot can be deployed on any Linux VPS and terminal.
Update Packages:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Install required packages:
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends -y python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-virtualenv git mediainfo nano ffmpeg unzip tmux
Clone Github repository:
git clone HellBot && cd HellBot
Edit Config Variables:
cp example.env .env && vi .env
Now press 'i' on your keyboard to start editing the .env file.
Now fill all the env mentioned in the file.
To save the file press 'Esc' button and write ':wq' using your keyboard and press 'Enter'
Install Requirements:
Create an virtualenv and source it.
python3 -m virtualenv venv && source venv/bin/activate
Now install requirements but make sure you're in (venv)
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
Start the Bot:
Start a sub-terminal using tmux
tmux new-session -s hellbot
Now start the bot
Not press 'Ctrl + B' then 'D' to detatch from tmux and let your bot run in background.
That's it! You've successfully deployed HellBot on a Linux VPS in 6 easy steps.
API_HASH : Get this value from
API_ID : Get this value from
BOT_TOKEN : Get this value from @Botfather
DATABASE_URL : Get this value from mongo.db
LOGGER_ID : A group/channel id to use as a logger chat.
OWNER_ID : The owner of bot. Only single userid is supported.
More config details coming soon with updated documentations
Our team disclaims responsibility for any consequences to your Telegram account. If issues arise due to misuse or conflicts, accountability rests with the user. The bot serves for recreational purposes and aims to streamline group/profile management. User-caused account issues are beyond our purview.
While forking the repository is permitted, we won't support edited plugins or modifications. Responsibility for further updates lies with individual forkers.
This service does not provide individualized support. Should you require assistance, kindly engage with our support group for community-based guidance.
Thank you for choosing our bot and for your understanding and adherence.
~ Team HellBot ❤️
Copyright (C) 2024 The-HellBot
Project HellBot is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see